Featured Published Videos – V

A sampling of the videos published by Vocal Video customers.

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Vocal Video

Christine Hanks for Wonolo Customer Story

Kirby Wadsworth (Sample)

Ras Gill-Boulos for Customer Stories

Dan Holman for Customer Stories

Dan Holman for Customer Stories

Chris Dyer for Deepgram Customer Story

Kirby Wadsworth, CMO full cut

Kirby Wadsworth, CMO: A-ha moment

Kirby Wadsworth, CMO - marketing advice and risk

Brian Bordley for Customer Stories

Kirby Wadsworth, Successful Campaign

Kirby Wadsworth, future of video

Kirby Wadsworth, future of video v.2

Kirby Wadsworth, successful campaign v.2

Kirby Wadsworth, CMO - marketing and risk v.2

Kirby Wadsworth, CMO: a-ha moment v.2

Alexandra Door for Life360 Customer Story

James Kotecki - Behind The Marketing

Rocco Seyboth: Behind the Marketing

Rocco Seyboth: a-ha, risk

Rocco Seyboth: Advice and impact

Rocco Seyboth: future of video

James Kotecki - The Future of Video

James Kotecki - Successful Marketing Campaign

James Kotecki - Biggest a-ha moment, Risks and Advice

Alexri Patel for Wrike Customer Story

Alexri Patel for Wrike Customer Story Volume 25

Alex Krawchick: Behind the Marketing

Martha Stoumen Wines Customer Story

Lorren Butterwick for Martha Stoumen Wines

Martha Stoumen Wines

Research: The Impact of Testimonial Videos on Marketing

New Research: The Impact of Testimonial Videos on Marketing

Ras Gill-Boulos on Vocal Video

Vocal Video Customer Stories

Welcome to Vocal Video!

Welcome to Vocal Video!

Vocal Video Customer Stories

Welcome to Vocal Video!

Vocal Video Customer Stories

Stephanie Coppedge for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Sarah Wong for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Stephanie Coppedge for Vocal Video Customer Stories v2

Anh Nguyen for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Behind the Marketing: 4-time CMO Kirby Wadsworth

4-time CMO Kirby Wadsworth

4-time CMO Kirby Wadsworth Copy

4-time CMO Kirby Wadsworth vertical

Ras Gill-Boulos on Vocal Video Excerpt

CMO of Pulse on Vocal Video

Social: Anh and Will for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Social: Anh and Will Snippet

4-time CMO Kirby Wadsworth Copy

4-time CMO Kirby Wadsworth Social Cut

4-time CMO Kirby Wadsworth Social Cut Copy

CMO of Pulse on Vocal Video Copy

Welcome to Vocal Video!

Will Curran for Vocal Video Customer Stories

The Power of Video Testimonials

32 Example Questions + Email Templates

Hilmon Sorey of ClozeLoop on Vocal Video

23 second Power of Video Testimonials

15 Seconds - Power of Video testimonials

15 Seconds - Power of Video testimonials Copy

Anh - recommend

Hilmon - recommend

Sarah - recommend

Research page - Power of Video Testimonials

Marketing Managers text video

For FB ads - Welcome Video

Hilmon Sorey of ClozeLoop on Vocal Video Copy

Vocal Video Customer Stories

Hilmon Sorey on Vocal Video

Vocal Video Customers on Video Testimonials

Pascale Royal: Customer Advocacy Experts Series

Vocal Video Customers on Video Testimonials

Anh Nguyen on Vocal Video

Sarah Wong for Vocal Video

Martha Stoumen Wines Customer Story

Rocco Seyboth: future of video

Hilmon Sorey of ClozeLoop on Vocal Video

Pascale Royal: Customer Advocacy Experts Series

Alexandra Door of Life360 on Vocal Video

Ras Gill-Boulos on Vocal Video

Will Curran for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Will Curran for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Will Curran for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Free trial text video

Ebook Text video

Alexri Patel for Wrike Customer Story

2021 Marketing Predictions

Briannah Fisher for 2021 Marketing Predictions

Jeff Benanto for 2021 Marketing Predictions

Ashwin Balakrishnan for 2021 Marketing Predictions

Cecilia Haynes for 2021 Marketing Predictions

Chris Gillespie for 2021 Marketing Predictions

Carolyn Bao for 2021 Marketing Predictions

Jessica Day for Customer Advocacy Experts

Zoe Meyer for Customer Advocacy Experts

Inessa Kutsishaya for Customer Advocacy Experts

Thibaud Clement for Customer Advocacy Experts

Vocal Video Non-Profit Stories: CareerVillage.org

2021 Video Predictions

Sílvia Pinho for Testimonial Video ROI

See What Vocal Video Customers Are Saying

Nick Disney for Testimonial Video ROI

Kadidja Yansane for Testimonial Video ROI

Vocal Video Customer Story: Natural Acne Clinic

JP for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Jon Leiberman for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Brad Kugler for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Heather O'Donnell for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Vocal Video Customers on Video Testimonials

Jeff Irby for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Taylor Twellman on the Aletha Health Hip Hook

How to use Vocal Video for Video Interviews

Employee Stories: Katherine Leung

Creating Video Galleries

Card: Heather ODonnell

Card: Christine Hanks

Card: Jon Leiberman

Card: Brad Kugler

Card: Will Curran

ClozeLoop Customer Story

ClozeLoop Customer Story

SQUARE - Employee Stories: Katherine Leung

PORTRAIT - Employee Stories: Katherine Leung

LANDSCAPE - Customer Stories: Will Curran

PORTRAIT - Customer Stories: Will Curran

SQUARE - Customer Stories: Will Curran

Card: Ras Gill-Boulos

Card: Alexri Patel-Sigmon

Hilmon Sorey, Founder of ClozeLoop on Vocal Video

Card: Chris Dyer

Card: Dan Holman

Card: Brian Bordley

Card: Alexandra Door

Card: Martha Stoumen

Card: Jeff Irby

Card: Shaun Whynacht

Card: JP Mills

Card: Rebecca Gitomer

Webflow Square Embed: Customer Story: Natural Acne Clinc

Webflow: Square Embed: Heather O'Donnell for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Respondent Desktop Tutorial

Respondent Mobile Tutorial

Mollie Phipps for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Lianne Sipsma for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Blog version: Mollie Phipps for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Majka Embed

Kogniz Employee Testimonial

Product Led Alliance Customer Example

Career Village Customer Example

Kayla Evans for Vocal Video Customer Stories

Instagram Grid Example

How the Product Marketing Alliance Drives High Video Response Rates

Automating Video Testimonials

Social Proof Drives In-Person Event Registration

Product Marketing Alliance

How to upload Vocal Video to Facebook

Vocal Video Customer Testimonials

Lotus Themes


Rajiv Rangan on How Freyr Uses Vocal Video

Rajiv Rangan for Customer Spotlights

Rollstack Customer Spotlight - Full Video

Rollstack Social Media Edit

Help Desk Video

Velocity Resource Group

Melissa Hansen for The Velocity Experience

The Velocity Experience - Tommy Jones from Verizon

Melanie Villapando for The Velocity Experience

Danny Ervin, Sr. Team Lead

Nicholas Fortino, Client Coordinator

Katherine Garcia, TA Specialist

Steven Lampos, TA Specialist

Cynthia Lampos, Client Manager

Ross Conte, Client Manager

Rocky Ziadat, Director of Talent Intelligence

Kelsey Yackle, Director of Client Services

Jeffrey Feliciano, TA Specialist

Katy Wimberley, Team Lead

Mike Matthews, Senior Recruiter

Velocity's got the Holiday Spirit in Tampa

Abbot Laboratories for The Velocity Experience

22 Unbeatable Reasons to Partner with Velocity - #1

22 Unbeatable Reasons to Partner with Velocity - #10

22 Unbeatable Reasons to Partner with Velocity - #2

22 Unbeatable Reasons to Partner with Velocity - #4

22 Reasons to Partner with Velocity - #7

22 Unbeatable Reasons to Partner with Velocity - #5

22 Unbeatable Reasons to Partner with Velocity - #8

22 Unbeatable Reasons to Partner with Velocity - #11

22 Unbeatable Reasons To Partner with Velocity - #13

22 Reasons to Partner with Velocity - #18

22 Unbeatable Reasons to Partner with Velocity - #15

22 Unbeatable Reasons to Partner - #16

22 Reasons to Partner with Velocity - #18

22 Unbeatable Reasons to Partner - #19

22 Unbeatable Reasons to Partner with Velocity - #22

Craig Pruett for The Velocity Experience

Craig Pruett for The Velocity Experience

Abbot Laboratories for The Velocity Experience

Melanie Villapando - Challenges

Resflex Updates with Andrea (Q1 2024)

The Velocity Experience - Tommy Jones from Verizon

Craig Pruett for The Velocity Experience

Melanie Villapando for The Velocity Experience

The Velocity Experience - Tommy Jones from Verizon

Abbot Laboratories for The Velocity Experience

Vancouver Coir | OnlyFans

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