
Kirby Wadsworth, successful campaign v.2

February 26, 2020

Kirby Wadsworth, CMO of Illusive Networks on how to get promoted in your marketing career, the best campaigns his team has done, and the future of video.

Video Transcript

Speakers: Kirby Wadsworth, CMO, Illusive Networks

Tell us about the impact of a successful campaign that your team recently executed.

Kirby via Handbrake: It's always easier to tell about the campaigns that don't work. Than the ones that do. But I'll tell you a quick story about both. So we were ran a big, expensive ABM campaign in the UK way we hired an outside agency, we put together all these lists of senior executives that we wanted to meet with. we decided that this tennis event was going to be a big deal and everybody would want to go to the tennis event Back to lesson number one that I told you: don't invite me to come to a ball game .. anyway we did. We sent people massive tennis balls. I guess they're used to sign on to get signatures on and with our logos on them, you know, they showed up. The idea was supposedly, you know, come with us to this game and you're gonna get to meet the players and get signatures, and it's all gonna be great. I don't know. We spent $50,000 on this thing or something like that. And we, you know, people showed up, but absolutely nothing came out of it. There were no deals. no, nothing, very frustrating all the way around. But anyway, so that's the kind of thing that didn't work. Conversely, we recently ran a program that worked great. It was the silliest little thing I had ever seen, but I thought it worked. It was a great idea, one of us, one of the folks here had One of the marketing folks. You know it's cold and flu season well, we sent out boxes of Kleenex with our logo wrapped around them and bottles of hand washing alcohol with our logo on them that you could, you know, hang on your on your purse or your bag or whatever. And wipes, I think for the table, the disinfecting wipes, all in a little kit that said, You know, it's cold and flu season we're thinking of you. Protect yourself. And while you're at it, you know, protect your systems and let us tell you how with Illusive Security, silly little tie in. You know, we had we had, I don't know a handful of people who actually wrote us notes back and said, "Wow, this is really creative." "Thank you very much. I love it." "I always throw this stuff away. But, you know this one? I'm gonna keep on my desk because, everybody needs Kleanex." So anyway, there's too little examples. Two examples of, you know, the big blown out one and a simple one. I guess maybe the lesson there is simpler is better.

Produced with Vocal Video