
Card: Brad Kugler

April 21, 2022

Video Transcript

Speakers: Brad Kugler, CEO & Co-Founder @ DirectMail2.0, LLC.

Brad Kugler: I would definitely recommend this product for none other than the ease of use. You've already established and know that customer testimonials or video content is obviously very, very highly recommended and useful and all that. All that aside, Vocal Video has built a platform that I feel is so intuitive, so easy to use that anyone can use it. You don't even really need to know how to do it. You just follow the tutorial or the steps with creating a video. Ease of use is why I recommend this product.

How DirectMail 2.0 uses Vocal Video

Chatting with Brad Kugler ?

Brad Kugler: So we use testimonial videos in a lot of ways. One: we do a pre interview on prospective employees. We get testimonial videos from customers. We also use it to send messages to employees from myself or other execs on some event or some coordinated action the company is doing. We've used it in more ways than you guys have even prescribed. And we keep finding new ways all around on how to do this.

Produced with Vocal Video