
Abbot Laboratories for The Velocity Experience

June 19, 2024

Jennifer Nichols shares why Velocity is the best candidate sourcing and recruiting partner in the market.

Video Transcript

Speakers: Jennifer Nichols, Executive Recruiting, Abbott

What have been the greatest benefits of working with the Velocity team?

Jennifer Nichols: The greatest benefits in working with Velocity have been the partnership. It was unique from the time that we started recruiting for the role. I engaged them on the intake conversation, which made a world of difference, inviting them to that meeting. They were able to flush out some key required skills that the hiring leader hadn't mentioned before. In addition to that, we set up a weekly call schedule and met with that client to drive them to make decisions. It was super helpful. They were able to go out to the market, together we were able to find some amazing candidates and when those candidates didn't respond, I was able to reach back out and engage that candidate and bring them over the finish line. It was the partnership. It was the enthusiasm with the hiring leader. It was the technologies that they have access to.

Produced with Vocal Video