Customer Testimonial Video Templates

Easily create authentic customer videos to boost marketing and sales conversions.

customer testimonials

Customer Testimonial Videos

Get highly credible customer testimonials to boost marketing and sales conversions.

3 Questions
customer testimonials

Customer Award Videos

Feature customers and increase brand awareness by embedding acceptance speech videos from your customer award winners in promotion of the contest results.

3 Questions
customer testimonials

Ecommerce Testimonial Videos

Collect authentic ecommerce testimonial videos to build trust and convert more buyers.

3 Questions
customer testimonials

Partner Testimonial Videos

Create compelling partner testimonials to build trust in your excellence as a partner, and grow your partner ecosystem.

2 Questions
customer testimonials

B2B Case Study Videos

Capture believable B2B case study videos to provide to sales organizations and use in marketing.

3 Questions
customer testimonials

Professional Services Testimonial Videos

Create professional services testimonial videos to embed on websites, social media, email campaigns and sales decks.

3 Questions
customer testimonials

Real Estate Testimonial Videos

Gather credible home buyer and seller testimonials on an ongoing basis to convert more of your prospective clients.

3 Questions
customer testimonials

Product Launch Videos

Gather customer and user testimonial videos to use in product launches, to improve engagement and conversion.

3 Questions
customer testimonials

B2B SaaS Testimonial Videos

Capture highly credible B2B SaaS testimonial videos to boost marketing and sales conversions.

3 Questions
customer testimonials

Services Testimonial Videos

Get reviews of your services on video to build trust with your audience

3 Questions
customer testimonials

B2B Review Videos

Build trust in your brand with B2B reviews, and turn more website visitors into paying customers.

3 Questions
customer testimonials

Customer Advisory Board Video Survey

CAB video surveys are a great way to learn more about what each member's goals and what they can contribute.

3 Questions
customer testimonials

Ecommerce Review Videos

Feature highly credible ecommerce reviews to build trust with your brand, and convert more website visitors into paying customers.

3 Questions
customer testimonials

In-store Purchase Experience Testimonial Videos

Capture in-store purchase testimonial videos to highlight excellent customer experience in physical stores.

2 Questions
customer testimonials

Video Surveys

Collect short, authentic videos from your customers, prospects, or research panels to validate new company or product ideas.

3 Questions
customer testimonials

B2B Services Review Videos

Create highly credible b2b services review videos to build confidence in your brand, and turn more prospects into buyers.

3 Questions
Authentic, professional customer testimonial videos are powerful for companies of all types and sizes. The largest companies in the world and very small organizations alike use Vocal Video to collect, edit, and share customer story videos. This is no accident - customer testimonials and video reviews make up some of the most powerful social proof that your company can create. Our research with 450 marketing professionals shows that 72% of marketing teams realize an ROI of 50-500% from customer testimonial videos. (Source) 

Customer testimonial videos are regularly used on websites, blogs, landing pages, social media, advertising, virtual events and email campaigns. You easily email, text or embed Video Collectors on landing pages to capture brand new customer reviews on video.

Our customer testimonial templates include example questions and email copy, and are designed to make it incredibly easy for companies across the board to collect, edit, and share video testimonials from their customers. You’ll find example questions specifically designed for product, software, services, and ecommerce testimonials, as well as some use cases that you might not have considered before like video surveys and customer award videos.

Try the faster, easier way to create testimonial videos.

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