11 Inspirational Testimonial Page Design Examples (+ Templates to Build Your Own)

Discover 11 inspiring testimonial page designs and learn how to create your own. Get tips on content, credibility, branding, and placement. Includes templates for various industries and a guide to video testimonials.

Your website’s testimonial page is a chance to build trust with potential customers, by showing them social proof from people like them to help de-risk a purchase. For many people researching new companies, this page plays a crucial role in their decision-making, so acing your testimonial page design can make all the difference to the number of people your website converts. 

In this post, we’ll…

Vocal Video is an end-to-end app that creates high-quality testimonial videos and gives you all the tools you need to embed them on your website. Find out more and sign up for your free plan today

What Makes a Great Testimonial Page? 

The testimonials on your website will be unique to your brand, and the design elements will reflect your company’s voice. That said, the best-performing testimonial pages tend to have some key features in common.


For a trust-building website testimonial page, the bulk of the content should be written or recorded by real and relatable customers. 

You should also think about the content of the testimonials themselves. Even if you have to edit a testimonial for clarity or correctness, the goal is to use the customer’s words. The testimonial shouldn’t sound like a pitch or a journalist’s review; it’s about letting the speaker’s personality connect with the audience. 

Finally, consider the length of the customer story content on your testimonial page. The stories should be detailed enough to be informative and individual but short enough to skim. If you want to link to a longer case study, try adding an attention-grabbing snippet to a main testimonial page and inviting the reader to click through to the full version. You’ll find examples of this type of page design later in this post. 


Although crucial, the talking points that someone covers in their testimonial are not the only thing your visitors are interested in. In fact, customer testimonials must include other elements if they’re going to build trust.

As well as the text or video, it’s important to include… 

  • The customer’s full name 
  • Their picture
  • A verified purchase marker, if relevant
  • Their role at their company. This is especially relevant if they’re an influencer or if you’re publishing B2B testimonials.

If you’ve picked up trust badges, industry awards, or star ratings on third-party review sites, you can also add them to your testimonial page as an independent endorsement of your product. 

All these features can help convince your visitors that the claims you’re making on your site are true, and that they could see the results for themselves if they signed up. 


Testimonials are all about showing the unique voices of your customers, but it’s also important that the content looks like it belongs on your site. This is where your company branding comes into play. 

Branding testimonials can be as simple as adding your company logo or designing written testimonials to use your standard font and colors. This will help give your page a unified feel, even if your testimonials were written or recorded by different people, in multiple locations, and at different times. 


Finally, the best testimonial pages are easy for your website visitors to find. Add a clear “Customer Stories,” “Success Stories,” or “Testimonials” tab to the ribbon at the top of your website or as a link in the footer. You can also link to this page in other content you publish—for example, from your homepage, blog posts, product pages, or news stories. 

You should also pay attention to basic SEO principles when you’re putting your page together. 

For example, filling in the meta description and breaking up the testimonials with headings that include keywords like “[Your Organization] customer stories” makes it easier for people to discover your site when they’re researching a product online. There’s a high chance that some potential customers are using a search engine to find reviews of your brand, especially if they’ve seen your product on a third-party site or on social media. These tips can help put your testimonial content in front of those searchers. 

Read more: How to Use Your Testimonials to Boost SEO Performance

When you consider these features when planning your testimonial page (and even as you collect the content to populate it), you can create a page that boosts conversions from the beginning. 

Best Testimonial Page Examples with Written Reviews

Now, we’re going to break down some examples of the best-designed testimonial pages from real businesses in a variety of industries.

For every example, we’ve included a Vocal Video testimonial template to help you kick off your own testimonial project. These templates help to shape the content of your customer stories and add your company’s stamp to the final design. They’re incredibly easy to set up and share, and adding the eye-catching testimonials they collect to your website is as simple as copy and paste. 

1. Majka: Product Testimonial Page with a High Number of Testimonials

Majka is an e-commerce company selling nutritional snacks for new moms.

This is a fantastic example of a written reviews page because it’s incredibly user-friendly, with many design features in addition to the testimonials themselves. For example, Majka leads with the fact that this product has 700+ reviews averaging 5 stars, which shows how reliably it gets results for their customers. 

The reviews are well structured, with the key information in a brief paragraph. And even if the reader doesn’t analyze every review, they can scan the star rating and leave with the highlights thanks to the bold “headline” text. 

Looking to add testimonials to your online store? Try this template: Ecommerce Testimonials 

2. Bamboo HR: Testimonial Page with Detailed Reviews

BambooHR is a recruitment and human resources platform that serves businesses of all sizes. 

The testimonial section of the site (which visitors can access under the “Why Bamboo HR” tab) showcases a selection of customers who’ve already adopted the software. 

Here, the “Meet John Smith” format of the first heading creates an instant connection with the visitor, and the respondent’s smiling face reinforces the feeling that you’re being introduced to one of your peers. 

The pull quotes on these pages are particularly effective. This shorter paragraph draws the reader in. Once they’re hooked, they can easily scroll down to read about the challenge the customer faced, the solution the company provided, and the results. 

Try this template: B2B SaaS Testimonial Videos

3. Knowadays: Graduate Testimonials Focused on Student Experience

Knowadays is an online learning platform for new proofreaders. 

This website template means the written testimonials fit effortlessly with the rest of the company’s branding, but they still emphasize how wide and varied the company’s customer base is. By showing each graduate in their home context and stating the previous work experience they brought to the course, they help the visitor imagine how they’d fit into the diverse learning community.

Try this template: Student Testimonial Videos

4. Fellow: B2B Testimonial Page with Third-Party Reviews

Fellow uses AI technology to power their meeting management app. 

This section of Fellow’s testimonial page uses customer feedback gathered from G2. This approach works because the testimonials are “independent.” They weren’t collected by the company, so the reader trusts that the speakers were free to cover the talking points that mattered most to them.

The layout and color scheme of this page is also noteworthy. The wall of love format and the warm colors are welcoming, and far more relaxed than a bold background and a regimented grid. This invites the reader to stay and browse, so they have time to develop a deeper understanding of what makes the company special. 

Try this template: B2B Review Videos

5. Buy Me a Coffee: Testimonials Page Leveraging Social Media Reviews

Buy Me a Coffee helps creators collect membership payments and tips from their fans. 

This testimonial page is unique on our list because the testimonials are taken from social media channels. As the reader scrolls, they see a carousel of TikToks, then Tweets, then YouTube testimonial videos. This appeals to the company’s target demographic: young content creators and makers leveraging social media for their own marketing. 

You can see how important testimonials are for this brand when you look at the ribbon at the top of the page. The wall of love is one of only three tabs, showing how critical their customers are to their brand identity. 

Try this template: Influencer Videos

Best Examples of Case Studies for B2B Testimonials

In contrast to a basic testimonial or customer review, a case study tends to be more structured and data-driven. They’re often used in B2B marketing to show industry knowledge and provide the granular details stakeholders need when they’re making an investment or starting a new partnership. 

Let’s look at two great examples of client testimonial pages. 

6. Zapier: Case Study Collection Page

Zapier is a global brand powering the integrations that automate a company’s workflows. 

This case study gallery is a perfect example of the balance of data and storytelling. The snippet includes the headline statistics that prove the effectiveness of the product, and then the visitor can click through to find out more about the specific challenges addressed in the partnership. 

The font and color scheme keep this page cohesive with  Zapier’s branding, but they’ve also included the logos from tools the visitor recognizes—both in the graphics for each case study and in the client banner at the top of the page. 

Try this template: B2B Case Study Videos

7. Time Doctor: Client Review with a Video Interview 

Time Doctor is a time-management and workforce analytics app. 

Here, the fact boxes at the top of the page provide the context the reader needs at a glance, so they can see how the company (SmartBuyGlasses) compares to their own in terms of size, industry, and type of work. Then, the client testimonial is embedded within the longer text, which emphasizes an equal partnership between the two companies. 

This page is so successful because it uses a video testimonial, rather than text alone. 

While most of the examples we’ve discussed so far have focused on written testimonials, video can be more effective, more memorable, and provide a significant lift in terms of conversions. And—as we’ll see later—it’s no more difficult to collect and publish a video testimonial than it is to use a written review. 

Let’s look at some more examples to see the power of video testimonials in action. 

Best Examples of Video Testimonial Pages 

All the examples in this list were made with Vocal Video. 

8.  Vitality Cycles: Video Testimonial with the Product at Center Stage

Vitality Cycles is an online health store. 

Here, the openness of the video testimonial format is particularly useful. While they’re shopping for a personal product, the visitor sees someone they can relate to speaking about the positive results they’ve seen. Their confident body language helps drive the potential customer to complete their purchase.

This friendly tone is boosted by some more elements which would be impossible to convey through text alone. The customers are sitting together, relaxed in their home. Plus, showing them with the product in their hands confirms that they’re real customers, so the visitor can trust that the story and the results are genuine. 

Try this template: Video Surveys

9. Whistle: Employee Testimonial Page to Encourage New Applicants 

Whistle is a sales development agency. They use video testimonials from their existing team to help attract top talent to the vacancies they advertise on their site. 

These testimonials are effective because they show a cohesive team. They all use the Whistle purple that highlights the calls to action on the rest of the site, and all the speakers are wearing their company T Shirts. 

The curated gallery feels relaxed and welcoming, and welcomes potential applicants who want to know what it would be like to work at the company with a bank of friendly faces. This is especially important in recruitment, where applicants want to know that the vision, values, and benefits a company states in their job descriptions are actually experienced by their team. 

Try this template: Employee Video Testimonials

10. Veranda Dentistry: Healthcare Testimonials Foregrounding Patient Benefits 

Veranda Dentistry uses testimonials from real and relatable patients to make people feel at ease as they’re choosing their dentist. 

In healthcare settings,  video testimonials add a “before-and-after” element to your marketing strategy. Watching the speakers lets the visitor see the results this practice can achieve. They can also see patients talking plainly about all the different aspects of their experience and the quality of care they received, which is reassuring for people who might be nervous about choosing a new practitioner. 

The layout of this page is particularly effective. Veranda have thought through the user journey and made it simple for their visitors to go from learning about the patient experience to booking their slot with the “Request Appointment” button in the top corner.

Try this template: Patient Video Testimonials

A Brief History of a Perfect Future was published in 2021. The three authors set up a website to give more details about the book, link potential readers to the online store, and showcase their reviews—including a carousel of reader stories. 

The video reviews here are attention-grabbing—especially as the carousel has been set to scroll through automatically and tempt them to interact. Showing the readers builds a sense of community around the book, and this is boosted by the call to action inviting the visitor to leave their own testimonial. 

Video testimonials like these are a fantastic resource for your site. What’s more, when you have the right tools, they don’t require any more investment, effort, or website design knowledge than written reviews. 

In the next section, we show you how to build a video testimonial with Vocal Video, our complete solution for collecting, editing, and embedding testimonial videos and galleries on any page of your website. 

How to Design a Testimonial Page with Vocal Video 

With Vocal Video, any business can design a conversion-boosting, trust-building testimonial page, even if they’ve never worked with video marketing before. 

The process is incredibly simple…

  • Set up a custom, branded video collector. This interface will “interview” your satisfied customers or clients. The collector guides them through a series of prompts asking about their experience, gives them some tips for recording a great video, and shows them their response before they submit it. 
  • Send a link to the collector to your respondents. The user experience here couldn’t be simpler: Your customers can open the link and record their testimonial wherever and whenever they have time, with no need to download an app or schedule a slot for a live video interview
  • Get automatically edited testimonial videos from your respondents. Vocal Video automatically stitches your interviews together before we send them to your library. You’ll have a suite of editing tools to tweak the design, and we’ll set up a Vocal Video page to host your videos as soon as you’re ready to publish them. 

Check out the results of the automatic editing process in these videos from our customers: 

The easiest way to design a testimonial page for your website it to create a gallery of your Vocal Video responses and embed it seamlessly on a new page of your site. 

To create a video gallery, simply open the “Galleries” section of your Vocal Video dashboard, and choose a gallery format to fit the number of testimonials you have and the layout of your page. You have five options to choose from here, from horizontal slideshows to scrollable grid and wall of love designs. 

Next, select the videos you want to include in your gallery, choose the shape and design of each thumbnail, and add a featured quote from your transcript. Remember, all Vocal Video galleries are designed with a transparent background, so they’ll blend perfectly with any page of your site. 

Click “Publish” when you’re happy, and get ready to share your testimonials with your audience. 

As well as easy posting to platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube, we’ll automatically generate the embed code you need to create a new testimonial page. Simply go to “Share” on any published video or gallery, choose the “Embed” option, and copy the snippet of HTML. 

Then, create a new page on your site, add a heading and a couple of sentences to introduce your testimonials, and drop the code into a new HTML block. For site builders like WordPress, the videos will be visible on your site as soon as you publish the web page. 

6 More Industry-Specific Testimonial Templates to Explore

Every Vocal Video pricing plan includes access to our library of video collector templates—all of which can be customized with product-specific questions and your company’s branding—to speed up the testimonial process. 

To get different types of testimonials to use throughout your marketing, check out… 

Remember, all these templates are fully customizable, and you can add up to five questions to create a testimonial video that captures the benefits of your product or service from every angle. Or, if you want to create something totally unique,  you can always build a video collector template from scratch in your Vocal Video dashboard. 

Get Even More Testimonials for Your Page

When you use Vocal Video to collect testimonials for your website, it’s easy to increase the number of responses you have in your library. This can help you build a bigger gallery of social proof, or expand your use of testimonials into more parts of your marketing strategy—like your landing pages, social media profiles, or your wider recruitment strategy

To get more testimonials, try… 

  • Asking happy customers to record a video testimonial in your follow-up messages after they make a purchase. Try our proven three-touch email sequence to ask more people to record a video. 
  • Inviting more people to share their testimonial wherever you publish customer stories and UGC online, with a link to your Vocal Video collector. 
  • Providing the opportunity for people to record a testimonial video at your location or during an event. Vocal Video’s Kiosk Mode, available on Pro and Enterprise plans, makes this easy to manage. 
  • Incentivising testimonials. With Vocal Video, you can set your collector to offer a reward, or you can enter respondents into the monthly Vocal Video prize draw. 

For the Most Effective Testimonial Page Designs, Choose Vocal Video

With Vocal Video, you can create an engaging, effective testimonials page that highlights the fantastic customer experience you offer.

With our easy-to-use tool, you can design anything from a single video card to an inviting, interactive testimonial gallery—complete with your company’s branding—and grab the embed code you need to publish the new page in just a few clicks. 

You don’t need web design experience, copywriting skills, or access to graphics software to tell your customer’s stories and see great results from your website.

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