5 Corporate Culture Videos & How to Easily Make Your Own

We break down some great examples of corporate culture videos for recruitment, including a guide on how to make a video that shows your company's values.

Corporate culture can get a bad rap as something that’s not tied to the bottom line. In the case of recruitment, employee retention, and new business, it’s absolutely mission-critical. It turns out nurturing and promoting your company culture has a big impact in…

  • Recruitment, with 31% of job seekers citing culture as a primary motivation in their search — second only to career advancement and flexibility. (Employ, 2024)
  • Employee retention, with 34% of respondents citing company culture as the top reason for leaving a job within the first 90 days. (Employ, 2022)  
  • Sales, with 66% of surveyed customers saying they had stopped buying from a company whose values didn’t align with their own. (Salesforce, 2022)

Summing up your company’s shared vision and values in corporate culture videos used to be reserved for the largest brands. But below, we’ll walk through how to make your own. 

We'll look at five examples of highly successful corporate culture videos, explain what makes them effective, and show you how to get the same results for your business using our video production platform, Vocal Video. 

When you search for great company culture video examples online, you’ll often come across businesses like Apple, Netflix, and Dropbox (and jaw-dropping budgets are rarely mentioned). In contrast to those blockbuster videos, the examples we’ve chosen can be recreated easily, inexpensively, and in a fraction of the time. 

Vocal Video puts you and your team in control, giving you all the tools you need to collect interviews, edit eye-catching branded videos, and share them online — with no prior experience.

Sign up for your free Vocal Video account today. 

Why Corporate Culture Videos Matter for Your Business

Whether or not your business has a written statement of its vision, values, and corporate culture, the way you present yourself is vital for several reasons.

  • Corporate culture impacts your employer brand. It has the potential to deepen someone’s understanding of your business, and even set you apart from your competitors.
  • Corporate culture informs people’s opinions of your company. Your culture influences the way you communicate and position yourself in the market, so it often forms the first impression of your business. 
  • Corporate culture aligns your team around shared values. It also helps your team to feel valued, since employees are usually at the heart of a corporate culture statement. 

Whether they research it on your website, look for it in job postings, or learn about it from people who already know your company, potential customers — and especially potential employees — want to know about your company culture. 

Specifically, they want to find out… 

  • Your company values the people it works with, whether that’s appreciating their existing employees or giving applicants a great candidate experience.
  • If your company’s core values align with their own. For example, people who want to reduce their carbon footprint in their personal lives might feel hypocritical applying to a company that’s not transparent about their environmental impact. 
  • How your corporate behavior aligns with the company culture you write about. Integrity is also central here. It’s far easier to make a good impression on the top talent if you provide evidence of how you live out your values. 

When you consider the reasons corporate culture is important, the people who want to learn about it, and what they want to see, you set yourself up to produce a fantastic company culture video. 

Best Corporate Culture Videos: 5 Examples for Inspiration

Now, let’s break down and analyze a set of effective company culture videos recorded, edited, and shared by real Vocal Video customers

1. SecurEnds: Recruitment Video Focused on Employee Stories 

SecurEnds is a SaaS provider. They used Vocal Video to produce a “Meet the team” video as part of their strategy to grow their startup. 

Why This Video Works 

This corporate culture video from SecurEnds focuses on the speed of the company’s growth and how much every team member’s contribution is valued. But instead of just telling the viewer, they’ve found several ways to show their culture of openness and their diverse team. 

Bear these points in mind as you create your video: 

  • Answer the questions the viewers are asking themselves. The interview prompt, “Tell us why you decided to join SecurEnds,” lines up with the viewer’s question, “Why should I work for this company?” Even more effectively, each response is honest, with the speakers describing their previous roles, their goals, and their expectations in detail. This is relatable, encouraging, and shows that the company values transparency. 
  • Feature speakers from a range of positions at your company. For example, this video brings together speakers in different roles and levels of management. When the viewer sees people from across departments repeating the claims about a close-knit community, openness to feedback, and company growth, they’re more likely to be convinced. 
  • Add a clear call-to-action to connect with the viewer. Here, the video ends with the message, “We would love for you to join our growing team,” and provides a link to the application page. This makes the next steps clear for the viewer, so they’re more likely to join the hiring process.   

2. Fergus: Company Culture Summed Up in One Word — People

Fergus offers job management software that makes it easier for tradespeople to run their businesses. With offices in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, their company culture video focuses on how they bring people together across geographical divides. 

Why This Video Works 

Like many of the best company culture videos, Fergus’ employee interviews are optimistic and convey the team’s pride in their work. 

Alongside tone, try to apply these key takeaways to your video:

  • Keep up the pace. Fergus has chosen upbeat music to drive their video forward, and there are more frequent cuts than in some of the other videos in this list. This is engaging for the viewer, and it means they get to know more of the team members in a shorter time. 
  • Film in your workplace. Here, the whiteboards, office furniture, and plants in the background give the viewer a sense of where they might be working, as well as who they might be working with. It feels down-to-earth, and it gives them more information to inform their application decision. Remember, if your company values remote work, Vocal Video helps your employees share their testimonials on their own devices, wherever they’re based. 
  • Unify your team. This video shows a great sense of teamwork and company unity. Whether it’s the number of people who’ve recorded an interview wearing their company t-shirt, or the number of respondents who identify “the people” as the best thing about working there, the viewer has the sense that they’ll be joining a team that’s genuinely satisfied with their work at Fergus. 

3. Sunrun: Corporate Culture Videos Made Outside the Office

Solar energy company Sunrun uses employee generated video throughout their recruitment process. They even use a Vocal Video public page to link to their team’s testimonials from recruitment posts on LinkedIn and third-party job sites. 

This gallery of videos looks at how their corporate culture extends outside the office, showing a tight-knit team that genuinely enjoys spending time together. 

Sunrun Corporate Culture videos landing page example

Why These Videos Work 

Making company culture videos outside the workspace might seem more challenging, but Vocal Video makes it easy. This gallery works to attract new employees in several different ways:  

  • They focus on the full employee experience. While workplace culture is essential, these videos acknowledge that many job seekers also want to know about work-life balance, their mental well-being, the perks and initiatives available, and whether they’d want to spend time with their new colleagues in their personal lives, too. 
  • The employer branding is consistent. These videos were filmed by different teams in different locations, but the company’s logo appears throughout. Other design features like the font for the overlays, the transitions, and the closing slides are also consistent, enforcing a sense of team unity. 
  • The gallery layout conveys quantity. A highlight reel can contain countless employees, but the viewer won’t know this unless they watch all the way through. With a gallery, they see how many happy members of staff there are, even if they just scroll past the gallery to view the current openings. 

4. Recovery Centers of America: Showing the Importance of Work Culture in Caring Professions

Recovery Centers of America uses Vocal Video to recruit for new roles in their mission to help patients achieve lifelong recovery.

Why This Video Works 

People applying to work in sectors like healthcare or non-profit might have a different set of criteria when comparing potential employers. This video details the positive impact of being involved with the cause in the words of their employees. 

Consider adding these angles to your work culture video: 

  • Include a day-in-the-life element. This video gives the viewer a clear idea of both the organizational culture and what a typical day in the work environment looks like. The interviewee talks about the culture that drives the work and how this translates into their daily tasks. 
  • Focus on the impact your company has. The questions asked here are “How has working with RCA changed your life?” and “How is working for a mission-driven organization like RCA important to you?” While this question might not be appropriate for a traditional corporate video, people who want to work in this sector probably have questions about how meaningful the work is and the sense of purpose they could find in it. 

5. Optimizely 

The team at digital experience platform Optimizely uses Vocal Video to boost their recruitment strategy. These corporate culture videos — seen here in a testimonial carousel — were produced for social media in celebration of International Women’s Day.

Why These Videos Work 

These videos celebrate the freedom to bring your whole self to work, and every element has been chosen to emphasize this theme. 

To convey a similar sense of authenticity in your videos, try these tips:  

  • Focus all the attention on the speaker. In all these clips, we see the speaker’s head and shoulders against a white background. With no distractions, their unique personalities and viewpoints shine through.
  • Ask specific questions. The responses in these videos are very detailed, which makes them more memorable to a job seeker than any corporate buzzword. For example, each respondent was asked to name the women they’re inspired by, and their responses convey the importance of mentorship and relationship-building in the company.  
  • Use humor. These videos convey a massive amount of information about what it’s like to work at Optimizely, but they still find time to connect with the viewer through humor. For example, after eloquently explaining the best piece of advice she’s been given at work, one speaker laughs and says, “I’ve also been told that I talk too fast, but I’m working on that.” 
Read more: Optimizely Boosts Talent Acquisition with Video Testimonials.

Create a Stand-Out Corporate Culture Video with Vocal Video

As we’ve just seen, with Vocal Video, any team can make a company culture video that sums up their values, shows off their team, and gives their audience a deeper understanding of what makes their business special. 

With our end-to-end video production app, you can…

  • Create an interview collector from a template designed to gather your team’s unique insights.
  • Record video responses remotely or in your office, whenever your team has time.
  • Edit the responses with eye-catching design elements that boost brand recognition.
  • Publish the results to your website, your social media channels, or as part of your job advertisements.

Our Company Culture Video template makes it simple to kick off your own video project.  

Company Culture Videos template

The template includes welcome and thank you messages for your team and three customizable questions…

  • Could you share a few details about your favorite part of your role and the team at [your organization]? 
  • What stands out to you about the culture at [your organization]? 
  • How do you feel employees embody the mission of [your organization]? 

In your Vocal Video dashboard, you can adjust the questions or add additional prompts. Then, it’s a simple case of uploading your logo, setting your brand colors, and generating a URL to share with your team. 

Once they have the link, your respondents can respond on their own devices, at a time that works for them. The video collector will take them through the questions one by one, and they can re-record their answers until they’re happy. 

Use Kiosk Mode to Record Employee Interviews On-Site

Vocal Video Pro and Enterprise plans include Kiosk Mode, an innovative way to collect testimonials live at your location. 

Instead of sending a link to your video collector, you set it to record responses one after another on a single device. For example, you could choose a day to record the raw footage for your video, set up the collector in an empty meeting room, and invite your team to drop in. 

Used on-location, Kiosk mode can create a unified set of employee stories perfect for a recruitment marketing video gallery or a social media content series, like these videos from Fingermark

Life at Fingermark is like...

Use Automatic Editing to Publish Faster

Every video your collector receives arrives in your library stitched together and ready to share. Our unique automatic editing process adds… 

  • Your logo and branding.
  • Attractive overlays with your speaker’s name and title.
  • Branded slides showing the prompts your speakers responded to. 
  • Automatically generated subtitles.
  • Dynamic animated transitions between slides.
  • Free-to-use music to set the tone. 

Then, within your Vocal Video dashboard, your team can share videos (we have an exhaustive list of integrations with platforms like Slack, Google Drive, HubSpot, and BambooHR), edit the length or order of the clips, or change the video’s personality by choosing a new video theme.

Once you’re happy with the look and feel of your video, publish it, and then click “Share.”  In this menu, you can choose whether to post the video directly on social media, download it, embed it on your website as a standalone video or video card, or share it via email. 

Easily share your company culture video with Vocal Video

The Vocal Video process is simple and convenient, whatever your budget or level of experience. If you share your collector link across your team, you’ll have a library of responses in no time. 

Every corporate culture video you make can have a positive impact, but once your video collection grows, you might want to display your clips as a gallery, rather than as single videos or highlight reels. 

Embeddable galleries & walls of love that match your brand.

To make a Vocal Video gallery, simply click “+ Create a Gallery” and choose one of five layouts to suit the number of videos you have and the layout of the page where you want to share it. 

Then, select the videos you want to include, choose whether to add featured quotes from the transcript, and decide on the order of the videos. When you’re ready to share, we’ll automatically generate the gallery embed code you’ll need to add your videos seamlessly to your website. 

Vocal Video embeds have a transparent background, so they look great on any page. What’s more, our galleries are dynamic. When you get a new video response, simply add it to the gallery in your Vocal Video dashboard, and the gallery on your site will update automatically. 

Read our complete guide to video galleries: Video Galleries Overview: Create Walls of Love, Carousels, Slideshows, Grids, and Lists

Share Corporate Culture Videos and Build Your Brand

Once you’ve invested time and resources in creating a corporate culture video, you can increase your return by sharing it more widely. The examples we explored in the first section of this post were used on careers pages, values and diversity statement pages, on social media, and in internal communications to boost employee engagement. 

Try some of these ideas to increase the number of people who view your video — and get to know the people who make your company tick. 

  • Create an “About,” “History,” or “Vision”  page on your company’s website, and use a Vocal Video embed to add a highlight reel of employee responses to show the claims you make in action. This can boost your product marketing, too, as conscious customers will often search these pages to see how your values align with their own. 
  • Introduce your team on a dedicated “People” page, showing how much you value their individual viewpoints and contributions.
  • Add a carousel, grid, or wall of love gallery to your recruitment pages to encourage more potential applicants to apply to your company. 
  • Share a link to the public Vocal Video page where your video is hosted in your job ads — even if you post on a third-party site that doesn’t include video embeds. 
  • Use company culture videos as you welcome and onboard new staff or during ongoing training for your existing team. 
  • Build your external marketing campaigns around employee testimonials in your library, sharing them in newsletters, on social media, at events, or on digital screens at your location.  

Vocal Video: Effective Corporate Culture Videos Made Easy

Vocal Video gives you all the tools you need to make informative, professional corporate culture videos in-house that celebrate your team’s personalities and their unique experiences with your company.

With our process, it’s as simple as… 

  • Customizing and branding a video collector to share with your team. 
  • Waiting for their responses to arrive, automatically edited, in your library.
  • Using our suite of intuitive tools to fine-tune your finished video, gallery, or highlight reel.
  • Sharing your company culture video via a link, as a seamless embed, or on any of your marketing channels. 

Try Vocal Video for free, and upgrade when you’re ready. Sign up for your account here. 

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