
Thomas Beckman for Titan Marketing Video Testimonials

June 25, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Thomas Beckman, Tech. Web, & Digital Marketing Lead, Camille Beckman

How has Titan transformed your marketing (Email & SMS) programme?

Thomas Beckman: Hi, I'm Thomas with Camille Beckman. I'm the head of digital marketing and tech. Um We are ad to C brand of uh body care, glycerine, hand therapy, soaps and lotions. Um We've been around since about 1985 and in the last decade or so, we've been working on our direct to customer experience website and stepping into kind of this whole new um age of commerce. So, uh in February of this year, we partnered with Titan um out of a need to distribute the workload of our growth team more evenly and um get more accomplished. They took management of our Clavia accounts, our uh campaigns flows um in email and S MS. Um from that time, we are up 25% over our previous year and a revenue attributed to Clavia. Um We've been extremely pleased overall with the experience of working with them. Um They've identified a lot of areas for growth and opportunities uh that we have in our business to expand our S MS program, expand our subscriptions, uh our loyalty program as well as um most currently developing uh revenue um focused quiz flow for us to integrate with our website and also potentially uh paid ads. Um Overall, everyone on the Titan team that we've worked with has truly been a pleasure. They've been highly communicative, communicative, excuse me, helpful with planning, um very flexible and as I've kind of touched on um extremely helpful in terms of finding creative solutions to meet our revenue goals and our KPIS, um I would highly recommend Titan to honestly anyone looking um for to fulfill similar needs to ours. Um And yeah, I just want to say I appreciate you guys and all your work very much. Thank you.

What results did you see? Give us the stats!

Thomas Beckman: Um since starting work with Titan in February of this year, uh as of June, we are up about 25% and overall revenue attributed to Colao. Um Another big area of growth that we appreciate their work on is our loyalty program. We've had increased uh participation in the loyalty program as well as an increased average order value of um, customers who are part of our loyalty program.

What makes Titan different from other agencies? Would you recommend them?

Thomas Beckman: We decided to work with Titan because their overall approach to email, uh account management um looked like it was a step above all the other agencies that we were considering. Um their designs were a step above their approach approach to strategy. Um also seemed very aligned with our goals and that has been our experience so far since working with them. Um Jake and Georgia specifically who we've worked with from Titan have been highly communicative, extremely creative and flexible in finding solutions to meet um all of our revenue goals and um attentive to our KPIS. Um I would recommend them to uh any other business who is looking to um achieve similar things.

Produced with Vocal Video