
Aly - Tell us your democracy story. How does it impact your life or issues you care about? How do you show up for our democracy?

September 06, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Alyson Wert

Tell us your democracy story. How does it impact your life or issues you care about? How do you show up for our democracy?

Alyson Wert: My democracy story is simple. I have concerns about environmental injustices, systemic racism, climate change, reproductive rights, workers' rights, and so much more. I have the privilege of registering and voting at polls without issues. I can make a plan to vote and know that I'm supported by my workplace. I have a way to get there and I have access to the internet to know where my polling place is. I have no worries that I'm able to make my voice heard on the issues that I care about. However, this is not the case for countless others, especially Black and brown communities that share many of the same concerns that I do because there are barriers for so many people to vote at the polls. This greatly impacts the outcomes of elections. And in turn the outcomes of what legislation is passed or how funds are dispersed in our communities to solve issues. This is why it's important to show up in your community. I've personally made more of an effort this past year to go to more meetings and gatherings to understand who candidates are and the history of local elections, as well as the issues that others have experienced. As I learn, I apply that knowledge at the voting booth and I share what I'm learning with friends, family and neighbors.

Produced with Vocal Video