
Marco (AJAX) Jackson for Chris Harris LLC Video Testimonials

December 20, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Marco (AJAX) Jackson, Texas Regional Operations Manager

What made Chris Harris and his teaching stand out from the rest?

Marco (AJAX) Jackson: So what makes Chris Harris' teaching stand out from the rest. That's and interesting question because I've known Chris for a very long time. And there are so many memories that I could glean from, but specifically, I would say, just his, his personal story is compelling and the, the discipline that it requires to achieve some of the things that he's achieved in his life. And the way he articulates that to the people that are around him, the people that submit, you know, to his instruction, his teaching, his guidance. It's exceptional. And I've, I've, I've not found many people in my life that one that I would allow to speak into my life, than two that can articulate and motivate in the way that Chris does.

What did you learn from Chris that had the biggest impact?

Marco (AJAX) Jackson: What did I learn from Chris Harris that's had the biggest impact, I, I would say really over the years, you know, consistency, discipline. you know, how your, your, your goals and your, your desires, if they don't align with your mindset that it's unlikely that you would achieve, you know, those goals or possess those desires. you know, I, I think, because I, you know, of my personal knowledge of him but, you know, everything that he espouses everything that he teaches, he's lived. So, you know, it has such, credibility, it has such, a strong foundation, because he's lifted it out, he's walked it out. So, that's what's, that's what's impactful to me. when I look to him and I see what he's communicating. it's evident in his life. He is an example of, what he espouses.

What would you tell someone who is considering working with Chris?

Marco (AJAX) Jackson: What would I tell someone who is considering working with Chris? I mean, honestly, you would be hard pressed to find someone that was more strategic, more disciplined then Chris, entering into a partnership or, you know, a, a situation where he was providing input, support or, or execution on, on any level. Yeah, no question, no question. everything I've seen him accomplish throughout, you know, his life, his career. It is exceptional and I have no problems recommending him then in most any situation, his, his integrity, his drive his heart is without question. So, yeah, so definitely, definitely, have a lot of appreciation for this brother and a lot of appreciation for what he brings to the table and what he has meant in my life. And the fact that, I mean, we've been hundreds and thousands of miles away at times and we've been side by side and, I, I cannot think of a, of a stronger friend that I would allow to speak into my life and there's not many that I will allow to speak in into my life. And he is one of those few, because of what he, stands for, he is definitely a standard bearer and, you would be hard pressed to, to find someone that would bring more to the table than him.

Produced with Vocal Video