The Alliance holds dozens of conferences each year, in-person and virtually. These events bring together professionals worldwide with networking and educational opportunities “guaranteed to leave you flush with groundbreaking strategies, tactics, and ways of working.”
The back-to-back nature of these events creates a relentless demand for content to promote each one. Rose Johnstone, Head of Community & Events, and her team often find themselves pressed for time and resources in the days and weeks leading up to a summit.
In an excerpt from our recent webinar, Rose shares why event speakers are great video candidates, and how she regularly taps them to record promotional videos for the events. Read on to see how she assuages video recording anxiety and gets terrific response rates.
Speakers: Lauren Locke-Paddon, VP of Customer Success at Vocal Video and Rose Johnstone, Head of Community & Events at The Alliance.
Lauren: The scale The Alliance is operating at is really impressive. You're using Vocal Video across 12 distinct communities, and you’ve captured 199 videos from different people. There are 107 finalized videos and 66 distinct Video Collectors in your account...
The videos embedded on your website have tens of thousands of plays. How do you get such high response rates?
Rose: To start, we always message that
Recording a video with Vocal Video is a five minute exercise.
It is nothing more than a five minute task. And then, once the respondent opens up the Video Collector they are led through a very straightforward recording experience. It can be completed in multiple takes. There's a pause between each question. Respondents are presented with the questions.
The first one is simple: Introduce yourself.
The second one: What topic are you speaking on?
We made the barrier to entry as low as possible, knowing that not everybody's comfortable on camera. Speaking to camera by themselves can be quite an awkward thing to do.
I noticed a massive increase in response rates when we added a personal intro video to the Collector.
What is a Collector intro video?
Rose: For people that aren't familiar with how Vocal Video works, a Video Collector can come to you via an email. The email might say, “it would also be great if you could take part in this short video recording. Here are the three questions we'll ask you. This is the link. It will take you less than five minutes.”

When your respondents click on the Video Collector link, the first thing they would see is this video letting them know what the Collector is about and how their video will be used.
I see a much better response rate when I put myself on camera with the intro video.
I think that the willingness to respond goes up because people realize that it’s really so simple. It doesn't have to be a special background with professional lighting.
Respondents quickly see that all you need to record a video is a quiet space and adequate lighting. That’s it!

Looking for other ways to get high response rates? Check out this article: 11 Tips for Higher Response Rates
Want to try out some of these marketing video ideas without learning new skills or spending a lot of time and money? Get your free Vocal Video account to start collecting and recording video content from your users.