
Ray Barnard for Family Service Invite

September 13, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Ray Barnard

Ray Barnard: Hello, friends and family impact nation. This is, this is Pastor Ray. I'm so excited to come to you today. Listen, I'm having a very important invite for you this Sunday, we are inviting you to come and be a part of something that has been the secret of the Jewish people forever. Moses practiced this. Jesus practiced this king David practiced this the secret for every Jewish person that walks on the earth. They've been coming and appearing before God three separate times a year. It's called a biblical feast. And this year September 17th is where we celebrate the biblical New Year. Rosh Hashanah is the Hebrew word for it. It means the head of the year. It's the time where God comes and he reestablishes Terra 28 13 back in the lives of his people. He says, I've called you to be the head and not to tell, to be above and not beneath. That's what he gave Moses. He says, if you will hearken unto my commandments, if you will seek me and follow me, I will make you the head and not to tell above and not beneath well, friends, many of them have practiced this for years for generations and they passed that blessing down to their kids. I've seen it personally and I'm inviting you because God has put it on my heart that he is called the Jew and the gentile to become one new man. So this coming Sunday, we're coming before the Lord and we're not coming into hand. We're coming with a sacrificial offering. Literally, this is the biggest offering that the Jewish people bring before God because they know how significant it is to honor the Lord and his empowerment, his hand and blessing. He and he, they experience an encounter where he endows them with supernatural abilities, wisdom that allows them to open new companies provide strategies to get wealth in the billions of dollars. And we see that first hand because most of the companies in our country and banks, they're controlled by the Jews. So I don't know about you. I want that blessing of my life. The, it, it, it, it's a 10 day celebration. We have two special services that we're planning this Sunday, September 17th and then we're gonna pray for 10 days. And then next Sunday, September the 24th, we're having a special day of atonement Ya Ka service at 6 p.m. All the information is on our website. It's a spiritual encounter. So spiritual people need to be sensitive, those who really hunger and want the blessing of God on their lives. I encourage you to show up this is not for everybody, but this is for the person who really believes that God is real and wants his blessing on their life. I don't wanna miss it. I will be there. I'm inviting you to come this Sunday 10 a.m. Impact Live Church, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 29 01, Chapel Avenue. Be there. Go to our website WW dot Impact live dot Church for all the information and details. It's gonna be a special encounter. I will be releasing a special prayer over you and your family. So be there this Sunday and don't come in the end. It, the blessing awaits. You don't miss your day of visitation.

Produced with Vocal Video