
Talent Optimizer

April 19, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Timothée Fournié-Taillant. Boyoung Kwak

Introduce yourself!

Boyoung Kwak: Hi, I'm Boyoung. I'm currently based in Paris. I work as Senior Data Analyst on the Analytics team.

Timothée Fournié-Taillant: Hello, my name is Timothée. I work at Equativ in the Paris office as a Legal Council.

What is your favorite thing about working at Equativ?

Boyoung Kwak: What I like most about working at Equativ is our culture of growth. We have a rigorous onboarding program which helped me acquire the necessary industry knowledge and understanding of our business and strategy. On top of that, we have a strong emphasis on giving each other constructive and regular feedback. It could be through weekly, one on one meetings or quarterly assessment with your manager or could be through quarterly peer feedback that we give to each other. Through all these, I can always identify areas and ways for improvement and openly discuss how I can do my job better Equativ.

What are some examples of new skills or knowledge you have gained since joining Equativ?

Timothée Fournié-Taillant: The ad tech industry involves many kinds of partners and is very complex and so are legal matters, applying to these activities and business relationships. Since my arrival, I've constantly learned how to handle theoretical legal matters, internal standards and business practices and to make it work together to ensure compliance. In particular, while negotiating agreements, I've learned to make it fit with our services. What is contractually static by nature, but we still need some flexibility to fit with market moves and innovation in the months and year ahead.

How has Equativ supported you in growing your skills throughout your career here?

Boyoung Kwak: Equativ has supported me in growing my skills by offering me opportunities to take online courses and platforms like Coursera and Pluralsite. After discussing with my manager, my needs for improving my soft skills and technical skills, I could take courses ranging from public speaking to Python and data visualization. All of which are important skill sets for our data analysts.

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