Klue Scales Social Proof Across Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success

Klue’s 200,000 customers use their Competitive Enablement Platform to collect and curate intelligence from multiple sources (external and internal to the organization) and get organized, actionable insights. With Vocal Video, Klue gets the footage they need to boost demand generation, sales, and customer success.

Speaker: Suman Melville, Manager, Customer Marketing, Klue

Suman Melville: The nice thing about Vocal Video is I can simply send a link and ask respondents short questions. They can prep and record the video on their own time.

How does your organization use testimonial videos? 

Suman Melville: Testimonial videos are a huge part of our content strategy at Klue. We use videos in all of our demand gen efforts as a way to highlight not only logos, but really specific use cases and industries where our customers have achieved success. They're using our platform with their own processes and with their team to achieve a goal, so testimonial videos are a great way to quickly highlight that and share that in all of our different targeted campaigns. 

Testimonial videos are a huge part of our content strategy at Klue. 

Our sellers also use videos quite a bit, both by SDRs for outreach, and AEs and CSM account managers for renewal efforts. Anytime we get asked "Hey, do you have a customer who's done this?” or “Do you have a customer in this space?" We always try to have a video ready whenever possible. 

Videos are just a nice and quick way to get that proof point that's needed. Everyone loves watching videos!

What challenges did you have with creating video testimonials before Vocal Video?

Suman Melville: I think the biggest challenge that I had in creating videos before Vocal Video was actually getting a customer to create the video. When sending out testimonial requests, I would get a lot of yeses. "I can do it." "Great. Let's schedule time!"... and then it falls to the bottom of the list of the many things that our customers have to do. 

The biggest challenge that I had in creating videos before Vocal Video was actually getting a customer to create the video. 

The nice thing about Vocal Video is I can simply send a link and give them short questions. They can prep and then record it on their own time.  And I get that footage that I need. 

We take the footage and the content and do quite a bit more with it at Klue. We create different compilation videos. We put our own branding. We run them in campaigns. Just being able to capture the answers in a concise way from our customers was difficult before Vocal Video. So I really appreciate that.

What’s the ROI of video testimonials for your organization, and how do you measure it?

Suman Melville: We measure the ROI of all content, including video testimonials, in a couple of different ways at Klue. 

Everything that gets pushed out is measured. We measure the ROI of our demand gen campaigns, email campaigns, and newsletters. We always track usage, MQLs, and leads that the particular campaign is using. We do quite a few customer campaigns at Klue as well. We share a lot of the content and use cases with our own install base, both for retention purposes as well as for expansion reasons. We track all of those typical email campaign metrics that way. 

We always track usage internally when our sellers, account managers, and CSMs use videos in their selling efforts. I have everything included so I can see usage rates and which reps that are actually using which content. 

We’ve had very, very good success with the videos that we've created and all the content that we've created for customers. 

So we've had overall very, very good success with the videos and content that we've created for customers. So it's nice that Vocal Video has been able to support that effort.

Would you recommend others try Vocal Video? Why?

Suman Melville: I would definitely recommend Vocal Video for anyone in a role that is looking for social proof. It's such an easy way to capture that needed customer sentiment for all of the different demand gen and internal enablement use cases that you have. 

Vocal Video is easy and cost effective. For Klue, it's been really the only way that I've been able to capture great videos.

Vocal Video is easy and cost effective. For Klue, it's been really the only way that I've been able to capture great videos. I highly recommend Vocal Video.

How would you describe Vocal Video?

Suman Melville: I would describe Vocal Video as a content platform for social proof that every customer marketer needs. Written content is a big part of it. Videos are another huge part of it. 

Vocal Video is the only way that I can scale my efforts and get that needed content from my customers. 

Vocal Video is really the only way that I can scale my efforts and get that needed content from my customers. It’s super simple to use and comes as a quick questionnaire.  I can send a Vocal Video Collector out to as many customers as I'd like and they can record on their own time.

With Vocal Video, have a very good hit rate in terms of getting responses. I think that's the biggest benefit I was looking for. 

With Vocal Video, have a very good hit rate in terms of getting responses. I think that's the biggest benefit I was looking for. I don’t have to schedule multiple meetings with customers or chase them down. 

Vocal Video has been a really effective way for me to scale my efforts and get that needed social proof.

Note: Ready to start easily collecting, editing, and publishing customer testimonial videos and video reviews? Create your free Vocal Video account.

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