Your Democracy Story

Elias Hakim
Communications Coordinator, DFAD

Welcome! The Declaration for American Democracy is a coalition of 260+ organizations dedicated to building a democracy that works for all of us, and we need your support to make that a reality.

As part of our mission, we are working to amplify the need to protect our freedom to vote,and combat big and secret money in politics, and to educate our communities on how issues with our democracy impact our ability to make progress on the issues that matter most to us. The health of our democracy impacts all of us in our day-to-day lives. You can act now by using this tool to share your story about democracy, from your experience voting, to the ways that gerrymandering divides your community, to corporations using their influence to drown out your voice, or anything else!

Some of us have positive stories about new laws that help us participate in our democracy, while many of us live in states that are making it harder. All of these stories are valuable and can help us amplify the narrative around the importance of a democracy that represents us all.

With your approval, your story may be used in DFAD’s videos, social media, or more. If you’re interested, there may be opportunities for us to support you in publishing your story as a letter to the editor or op-ed, or plug you into trainings to improve your skills as a spokesperson and activist leader.

By sharing your story, you are consenting to have it used in DFAD materials advocating for transformation, comprehensive democracy reform legislation!

How it Works
Tell your story by recording short video or audio clips here. Nothing to download or install.
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