
Hör från Andreas, e-handlare

July 15, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Andreas Sjölander, Barnsmart.se

Berätta kort om dig själv och er verksamhet?

Andreas Sjölander: Hey, Andrea SIA yo, Mire started a born Smart point uh and cite some killer SIA born beck from me. I be kop a VN we se uh so Devora, OK. Ian spec some, some uh hard demato uh to have extra between for de la it. OK. Uh So we, we stand for or we all the plat or the and the uh we cannot have the sofa and some brown for some. So uh so uh so we may.

Varför anlitade ni Bolagsplatsen?

Andreas Sjölander: At the um y you go from the difference? OK. So, so, so, so, so um they were, they were positive, OK. Uh her provided from Burian and Mar the Slia.

Grattis Andreas! Vad ska du ägna dig åt nu?

Andreas Sjölander: Uh, coming

Produced with Vocal Video