
Cath Freestone for Tell us about your experience

May 10, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Cath Freestone, Principal Dentist , Smile Hub

Out of 10 stars, how would you rate Xcelerator Dental?

Cath Freestone: Hi. My name is Cath Freestone. I'm the founder of Smile Hub in London. Um, and it's my absolute pleasure today to do this review for David Nelkin and his team at XD. So how many stars would I give them out of 10? Definitely 10 for the service and support that they've given us over the last 12 months.

How would you describe Xcelerator Dental in three words?

Cath Freestone: Thinking of three words to use when describing my experience with XD. The first word I'm going to choose is knowledgeable. They really are experts in the field of digital marketing and dentistry. They can walk the walk and talk the talk. So, um, I have complete faith in their ability to be doing everything they can to optimise what's going online in terms of our marketing presence results we're getting and lastly, the bang for our buck. So very happy with that. The second word I would choose is helpful. They're a very helpful team. They genuinely do want to help you. If you raise a query a concern, have you got a suggestion? They're on it. So a helpful business to deal with and then, lastly, commitment. They are committed to helping your business do the absolute best. it can, um, and achieve the results and goals that you know you've set for yourself and for your business. So I'm very, very happy with that as well

Can you give some metrics to show the impact Xcelerator Dental has had on your practice?

Cath Freestone: Thinking of the impact working with XD has had on my business. We've had some really outstanding results. So when we look at where we are now, having worked with them for a year and compare the same quarter in the previous year, we've got a 300% uplift in orthodontic cases. We've had a 500% improvement in online bookings using the website which of course takes a load of stress off reception. And then thirdly, we've had a 600% increase in new patient bookings, which, of course, keeps myself and all the clinicians extremely happy.

Could you describe your experience working with Xcelerator Dental?

Cath Freestone: My experience of working with XD has been a very positive one. I've enjoyed all the people in the team that I've interacted with; Alice, who I deal with mostly on a sort of more of a not a day to day basis, but more regularly who oversees everything that's going on within my business under the XD umbrella. Ehab, who's the expert when it comes to Google and paid ads, he's been fantastic. And then David, who oversees everything. So you do feel like you're in good hands and there definitely is more than one person, dedicated people looking after you, which I've appreciated.

What has been the most significant impact of working with Xcelerator Dental?

Cath Freestone: The most significant impact of working with XD has been the fact that they are helping us achieve our business goals on a daily basis. So everything that they've put into place is working. Yes, it takes time, but it's working. So we've got the increased occupancy we wanted. We have got more orthodontic cases that we wanted. We wanted more, online bookings and all of those things have worked, which has just been amazing.

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