

August 25, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Keziah Melendez, Business Unit Director | EIMS

What was your experience working with Ayman?

Keziah Melendez: Ayman asked me to send out a reference on his behalf and I thought, you know what, this is more than perfect. I adore the man and completely respect him and his work, both professionally and as an individual and life in general. So I just wanted to answer a couple of questions. First and foremost, what is it like working with Ayman? I'll give a little story on this reference here regarding working with Ayman back in the day. I worked at a tech sales and marketing agency called EIMS and Ayman was one of our newest inside sales representatives working on the team. He was sort of the new kid on the block that closed one of the largest deals that the team had seen as well as one of the largest deals that any rookie had ever closed. Along the way, I started running a team management, fast track program management program and announced sort of the application to the entire organization. Never thought that any of the inside sales representatives would apply for it And lo and behold, here comes Ayman not only inquiring about the role and getting involved in paying very close attention to all the advertisement that was going on for the position. But he very quickly introduced himself to me and got to know me much, much more closely as well as applied for the position and did an outstanding job in the application process. So, you know, meeting him at first, you've got this young, very well put together professional individual that you can clearly respect just from his presence alone. But once you start speaking to him, getting to know him, you can easily see how he has the charisma, the character, the determination, the ambition and his personality to do whatever it takes to not only be the best but to add the best contribution possible. So working with Ayman, I thought it was a breath of fresh air as well as it was, it was intriguing, it was very unexpected, spontaneous, but also he was someone that I can very much rely on to not only be there and to be reliable and meet deadlines, but someone who just asked questions all the time really wanted to be like a sponge and get to know everything that he possibly could. If I were to describe Ayman's ability to first lead, he is the go-getter that you would absolutely want on your team. He's not only your cheerleader, he's a coach, he's a mascot. I've got proof of this information in terms of his encouragement to want to celebrate success, but also to figure out ways to solve some of the hardest challenges in the sales world. In terms of getting results. Ayman thrives on being the best and thrives on hitting metrics, hitting standards and achieving goals as a team. And I respect that very much if there's something he doesn't know, he is very quick to ask about it and to learn so that he can contribute much better. And in terms of contributing to a team culture, like I said, Ayman is a great mascot, great cheerleader. He's very talented, he has many other talents in his arsenal aside from just knowing business in general and asking questions and knowing how the markets work. And you give him a task, it could be any type of technology or solution and he will figure it out, it will be something that he puts a goal towards for himself personally. So just to kind of close, I just want to say it's not only been a pleasure to work with Ayman in the past, but it's also been a pleasure to know him personally and I wish him all the best and I can tell you right now, any person who looks into working with Ayman hiring him, bring him on board, you'll be doing the right thing.

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