
Chris Sprout for Dental Practice Discovery

November 01, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Chris Sprout, Owner/Dentist, Genesee Dental Group

Do you accept insurance plans or are you fee for service?

Chris Sprout: Hi. Yeah, we are in network with Delta Premier and Cigna Premium right now. Uh, everything else is out of network.

On average, how many new patients are you seeing per month and what is your monthly goal?

Chris Sprout: You know, we'd love to see 10 new patients a month. It would be great. We're typically seeing 2 to 3 new patients a month and that's about it.

What procedures/services do you want to attract new patients for?

Chris Sprout: You know, obviously cosmetic patients which tend to be fee for service are great. But uh I've also in the past treated a lot of T MD patients and pain patients. Um and those tend to be pretty comprehensive cases which have made uh a big difference in our bottom line as well.

Please describe your target audience...

Chris Sprout: Our practice is situated kind of west of Denver, a little bit west of Golden in that area. It tends to be an age group of late thirties to early seventies. Typically, people that are older than that will kind of migrate into the city just because of uh medical needs access to care, that kind of thing. Typically patients that are younger than that age group, um just kind of get priced out of the market as it's a little bit more affluent area and it's a little bit farther from the city life and all that. So, um it's a very healthy demographic. Uh

Who do you consider your local competition?

Chris Sprout: I would say the nearest office is about 10 miles, uh, eight miles away. Um, that's a larger, more corporate office in Evergreen Colorado. Uh, but we, I think when we're looking at local competition, a lot of our patients live up here and then work down in Denver or Denver West. And so we are competing with a lot of the practices that may be near their workplace. Um, and that's an area of Denver West, Golden, uh, Lakewood, even into downtown Denver. So, um, kind of everything on, on that whole side of town.

Using a marketing partner? Why you are unhappy with them? If not, what are you looking for in a marketing partner?

Chris Sprout: We have uh spent very little on marketing in the past, we just have not had to. But in the last uh four or five months, we've seen a decline in new patients revenues, um et cetera. So I thought of kind of looking into that we're utilizing um a female now that simply is there for like search engine optimization, just kind of managing reviews and website and that sort of thing. We're utilizing roadside multimedia. They had created our website and they manage it right now. Um I have the ability to make some updates but they do the majority of the work.

What are your annual net collections and what is your comfort level regarding your marketing budget? (pls provide a range)

Chris Sprout: We're typically producing about a little over 900,000. Um, we're collecting 98 to 99% of that. We really don't have a collections issue other than maybe some prolonged because of orthodontics, uh, treatment plans and that kind of thing, which are carried out over a little bit longer time frame. Um, and I know that, uh, like I said, right now, we are, we're spending, you know, 1% maybe of that in marketing. But, um, I think we're gonna have to, you know, up it a bit, maybe for an annual range. Yeah, we might have to spend 1520 25,000. Um, which for us would be, uh, you know, 4 500% increase. Um, but that may be realistic for us right now.

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