
Michael Simmermacher - Employee Testimonials

May 31, 2022

Michael talks about his experience working for Whistle

Video Transcript

Speaker: Michael Simmermacher, SDR, Whistle

What is your favorite part of your role and the team at Whistle?

Michael Simmermacher: So my favorite part about my role at Whistle is the leads that I get to call and have a conversation with over the phone from all over the world, learning about different people, hearing about what they do and you know, sometimes you get the non friendly ones, but some of them they're they're really cool and the team at Whistle. My favorite part about my team is the constant support, support structure with our team leaders. Our account managers are always there when you have a problem and also there for your wins, especially for the week when you book demos. And that's my favorite part about the Whistle team and my role.

What stands out to you about the culture at Whistle?

Michael Simmermacher: I would say what stands out the most is the friendliness and once again, the support from everyone at Whistle, no matter which campaign and you can always go to them, chat to them. But I would say also what stands out the most is that you can have fun while you're working and obviously that's amazing.

Produced with Vocal Video