
Luana for Share Your Co-op Experience

August 23, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Luana

Introduce yourself and tell us about your co-op this semester.

Luana: Hi, my name is Loan. I am an architecture major. This is my sophomore year, summer of my sore between sophomore and junior year and I am doing my first co-op. I work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. And it's just been really crazy because it's like my first time working full time and I can see what it's like to like actually have like this adult life experience because I go in, I work and I don't have any homework and, and I have my own money because it is a co-op. So it's paid and it's also, it's been like super interesting because I've been learning and understanding so much. There's a lot that like, school cannot teach you. You have to go out in the real world and do it. And I just feel like the co-op I have now has been helping me so much and there's a lot that I did not understand about construction or that I did understand about design and, or just things I didn't know because some people thought it was common knowledge or school just doesn't teach you. And I just feel like I've been learning so much and hopefully I've been helping too and it's been a great time and, yeah, I'm very thankful to at, for this opportunity.

While on co-op, what is a project that you've been a part of that has inspired you?

Luana: So for my co-op, I have been working with like many different projects. I don't think I've seen one project from beginning to end because I do a little bit everywhere, which I actually like because it lets me have experience in different areas. Right now. I am doing the roof project and we're redoing a roof. But I think it's very interesting because I learned more about the construction side of things. Yeah. And I learned like what people actually need in order to get out there and build it and not just design it.

What have you learned that you will use in your career?

Luana: One thing I've learned that will help me throughout my career is to work with other people. And like communication always tell, like when you need help and ask for help, I feel like it's very important, especially as an intern to ask for help. When you need help, everyone is there expecting you to need some help. So like, don't be afraid. And even like once I start my career and I'm actually working, if there is someone who can help and knows more than I know I should never be ashamed to ask for help. Not only in my work life, but anywhere that I need help and also help people when I can.

Produced with Vocal Video