
Klejt Gega for Share Your Co-op Experience

September 05, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Klejt Gega

Introduce yourself and tell us about your co-op this semester.

Klejt Gega: Hi there. My name is Klejt Gega. I am a student at Wentworth Institute of Technology going into my senior year this fall over the last couple of weeks for my co op. This semester, I have been working with Circana, a data company that provides a lot of information to clients in Amazon, to uh mcdonald's to basically any big brand that happens here in America. Um Not only America as well, we also work with a lot of uh EU places we work with Spain, we work with France, we work with Italy, Germany and Belgium to be more specific. Um Over my time, the past couple of weeks here, I've kind of been following into their program where they teach us a lot about uh a lot of Excel basics. A lot of working with these big databases and how to provide them to clients, how to write emails in order to make them clear and provide the exact numbers as well as some. There's a lot of math that goes into this as well using a lot of my major that goes into it. I've used, I've had to make formulas. I've had to program a lot of different formulas in order to actually get the data so that I can provide it to clients. And yeah, I think it's been an amazing opportunity. I think circa is something I'm very interested in. Like I said, circa, dives deep into commuter uh consumer behaviors and a lot of trends across that indus industry. And it's, it's just an overall amazing place kind of mixing my overall theme of wanting to be in the business area. But as well with working with a lot of math and programming, something I've really, really loved doing over the past couple of years at Wentworth as well. So I think it's been a great opportunity and I'm looking forward to see what the rest of it is. Thank you.

While on co-op, what is a project that you've been a part of that has inspired you?

Klejt Gega: While on co op, I have been working on multiple different projects, but one that I've really enjoyed was working on something involving book data. So recently, there has been a lot more book series that have been turning into movies and TV shows. So I was tasked to in or by um a prime video share in order to provide data to them on which books currently are being turned into films and how well they're performing. So I won't get super into detail, but there's a lot of books that are performing really well and they wanted that information and it was actually really awesome to see some of the books that I've read that have been doing really well as TV shows. And that ultimately me providing this data could have some sort of leniency into what new projects get made in, in Amazon prime video. I think it's really cool. I think it's really enjoyable. I love uh pulling data from the databases. I love turning them into readable reports for the clients. It's just been very amazing and it's really enjoyable.

What have you learned that you will use in your career?

Klejt Gega: In my co op so far. I have absolutely loved working in the team. My team consists of 14 different people who have all are just absolutely amazing and they all are willing to help me learn and overall succeed in this co op position. I'm obviously very new. So them helping me as much as I can has just been incredible. I've worked with them, whether it be remote or in person. They have just been absolutely amazing to work with. I think as well, more specifically them teaching me excel a lot more than I already did. Basically getting into more of the nitty gritty about basics and advanced techniques that I could use. Um I've been using a lot of coding programs here. I've been using Python or, and it's just been absolutely amazing. I think future students here at Wentworth could benefit a lot from co ops. I think they're absolutely incredible putting you really into that work position. It's just been absolutely amazing. I can't, uh there's really nothing I can think of that's been horrible about my co co op. It's everything has just been enjoyable. Like there hasn't been a moment where I've said, hey, it's no one's helping me. I'm stuck. I've always had somebody to turn to. And that's what, that's what I've really loved so far is that all of my co ops have just been step by step processes and it's been very enjoyable.

Produced with Vocal Video