
Pete Jolly, MD & Owner of Wellington Glass and Mirror

November 06, 2023

Pete is the MD of Wellington Glass and Mirror and has been a client of the Centre of Business Excellence since 2021

Video Transcript

Speaker: Pete Jolly, Managing Director, Wellington Glass & Mirror Ltd

Introduce yourself, and describe how Chris recently helped you or your business.

Pete Jolly: Hi, my name is Pete Jolly and together with my wife Lynn, we own Wellington Glass and Mirror uh based in Wellington, the glass and glazing company. Uh we started working with Chris Whelan in July 2021. Uh and Chris has been really pivotal in helping us transform our small business, uh you know, struggling toward a revenue of 1.8 million with a staff of seven. Uh now to be on target for a revenue of around 4 million with a staff of 25 and an upward trajectory. Um looking to increase that by another 50% in the next two years.

How did Chris go above and beyond for you? Or, what results did you achieve?

Pete Jolly: Chris really functioned for us as a true coach. Uh He knew what was possible and he championed us to get there. Uh Yeah, he believed in us when we didn't know whether we were going to make it. Uh And he provided a lot of key structures um and uh firstly, for us to define why we're in business and what our business goals were and to get that all down uh clearly uh including the motivators um uh and issues that we were grappling with on paper. Then he provided a regular sort of focus planning and focus templates and tools that forced me to reflect um plan and report back on our progress weekly against 12 month goals. Uh And I found that process of not only having a plan, knowing how we're going to get there, having someone who firmly believed that we could as a key sounding board and champion for us. Uh And then having those structures and templates um uh uh in place was just invaluable along the way. Uh Is we found that we needed additional support, things that we were outside of the wheelhouse. Chris just selflessly connected us with other coaches in the action coach network, um, and then guided and transitioned us into the sort of support that we needed for particular aspects of growth. And this was just remarkable. He never lost that focus on doing the best thing for us and championing us to really get what we wanted to achieve.

How does Chris and the Centre of Business Excellence compare to other services you've used? Why should business owners be coached by Chris?

Pete Jolly: One of the things that we found was really, um, uh, particular to Chris and his style is it's intensely personal. Uh, and we've been part of other coaching programs which were a little bit more happened through groups and a bit more of a cookie cutter approach. But Chris was, was very, very personal. We needed somebody who would work with us, um, as people, uh, and, and to effectively, uh, coach us one on one and much more, one on one. And we knew the sort of the theory but it's how you get from, from, I mean, I know how to lose weight, right. Eat less and exercise more, but that's how you actually do that, which is, is a hard bit and that's where Chris was just invaluable. You know, he's a real champion of people.

Produced with Vocal Video