
Tim Norcia for Wealthery $10,000 Award

April 26, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Tim Norcia

Before you joined Wealthery, tell us how much money you were making in your online journey...

Tim Norcia: Ok. So before joining wealthy, um, I was probably actually losing money, um, on any of my online, uh, ventures. Um, yeah, things, things have not gone well with, uh, my past, uh, um, pursuit of making money online. So excited, uh, excited to be part of wealthy and, uh, finally, uh, making some money.

Since Joining Wealthery, how much have you made directly from what you've learned from us?

Tim Norcia: OK. S so from the training from, well, three, I have uh made upwards of $12,000 on the Amazon Influencer program. So, uh well, three helped me actually get approved for the Amazon Influencer program and then has really helped me, uh you know, to uh move forward with making quite a bit of money on there. So, pretty excited.

If you had to describe your experience with Wealthery, in a few words, what would you say?

Tim Norcia: So, uh, my experience with, well, three so far, um, you know, well thought out training programs, um, you know, easy to follow, easy to use. Um, everything is just professional and, uh, yeah, it's, it's basically made for you to succeed. So, pretty, pretty happy that I, uh, went, went with, well three.

Produced with Vocal Video