
Kathleen Rumford for Wealthery $10,000 Award

April 26, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Kathleen Rumford

Before you joined Wealthery, tell us how much money you were making in your online journey...

Kathleen Rumford: So, before finding Walthers Amazon influencer program and affiliate marketing, I was making just dribs and drabs online, honestly, some affiliate marketing here and there. Not much. I was definitely spending more than I was making.

Since Joining Wealthery, how much have you made directly from what you've learned from us?

Kathleen Rumford: So, since becoming part of the wealthy family, I have earned $10,000 almost to the day of seven months of doing the Amazon Influencer program and just doing it totally part time, honestly, about 100 hours and so $10,000 that's basically $100 an hour. And I'm pretty slow and methodical about things. I know people do things much faster than that. But yeah, I've got 438 videos up and then also a couple of $1000 in affiliate sales. I've created a little, um, some training, some fast track training that I got paid for and then also some coaching. So all totaled about $13,000.

If you had to describe your experience with Wealthery, in a few words, what would you say?

Kathleen Rumford: So my experience with we three would be that I'm able to move forward. So I'm making forward progress. Um It's the real deal. You're, you're getting what you hear that you're getting and you're actually able to implement and make things happen and the clarity and the instructions and the encouragement and the big Facebook group and all that has just been a Godsend and then I'm also part of the wealthier mastermind and that has been absolutely amazing as well.

Produced with Vocal Video