
Jackie Johnstone for Wealthery $10,000 Award

April 26, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jackie Johnstone

Before you joined Wealthery, tell us how much money you were making in your online journey...

Jackie Johnstone: Before I picked up the simple profit system, I have been running an online business in the coaching and consulting space for about 10 years. Um Most of that is service delivery. So it really requires my time and energy with my clients on a project. And while I was making a full time income, you know, five K a month easily from that business, I was looking to diversify my income streams and especially um augment the passive income or mostly passive income, which is why I jumped into the simple profit system.

Since Joining Wealthery, how much have you made directly from what you've learned from us?

Jackie Johnstone: I joined the simple profit system at towards the end of June of 2023. So last year, it's been seven months and I just crossed the $10,000 mark this month. Um purely from Amazon influencer, almost all on site placement income. And not only that, but I have probably put in maybe 20 hours maximum to creating the videos and putting them up online. So the return on investment both for the investment in the program, which was ridiculously affordable and the investment of my time has been enormous.

If you had to describe your experience with Wealthery, in a few words, what would you say?

Jackie Johnstone: Honestly, the simple profit system had I seen an ad for it is probably something that I would have scrolled right by thinking that it was a scam or too good to be true. But I had a friend who had jumped in and was sharing her real results and they were mind blowing and I trusted her. So I took a leap on it and I am so glad I did. The um opportunity is legitimate. And um it's clear that Travis and the team really care about helping people succeed. The program has everything you need to get started as an Amazon influencer and make sure that you get approved and that, you know, you, you start earning and as the system has, you know, as things have changed, they really stay abreast of the changes and support people in continuing to evolve and grow and make more money.

Produced with Vocal Video