
Accounting Client Accelerator Booked 5X More Meetings Using We-Connect

October 06, 2023

Prior to We-Connect, Accounting Client Accelerator only booked 1 meeting a week. Using We-Connect, they book 5. Learn more here.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Justin Feldman, Chief Financial Officer

Describe how you use We-Connect to enhance your lead-generation efforts.

Justin Feldman: Hey there. So I work with We-Connect to get more appointments with accountants. It's the best place to go to if you want to connect with other professionals, especially like accountants and financial advisors. So, I have had a really, really great experience working with them – before them I was getting roughly one meeting a week now, at least five a week because of my use of We-Connect and it, it very much acts like a human so you can follow people, you can comment; it doesn't feel like a bot which is really great and really helps with the authenticity.

What would you tell a potential customer of We-Connect?

Justin Feldman: I would tell you to definitely give it a try. Give it a use if you want to have more conversations and you want more clients use We-Connect.

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