
Kayla Tobias for BYH Video Testimonials

September 23, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Kayla Tobias, Associate, Category Management

What is the most valuable advice you received from a session, or one new thing you learned?

Kayla Tobias: So, after attending the sips and snacks building your home event, I realized that I had so much more in common with my fellow new hires than I could ever imagine coming from New York and relocating to Boston has definitely been a challenging but exciting time realizing that there were others in my cohort that were either from New York or relocated for the job as well, was really comforting to know.

How have the Building Your Home sessions helped you transition to working at Wayfair?

Kayla Tobias: So the building your home session that I attended actually followed part two of orientation. So by this time I had already gone through all of part one, I was feeling overwhelmed but excited and it was a perfect way to end my day and to wrap up orientation, being able to talk to the fellow new hires while also just enjoying myself and enjoying some snacks was really comforting and it transitioned me from feeling overwhelmed to feeling comforted in just an hour.

What session had the biggest impact on you, and why?

Kayla Tobias: It's only the second week of me being here at Wayfair and I can say that the Sips and Snacks Building Your Home session has been the most impactful so far. Mainly because I have already created a specific network that I know I can go to for any questions that I may have from people who are in the exact same situation I am. Not only that, but I've been able to regularly meet people for coffee chats and lunch that I have sat next to all through training along with the Sips and Snacks Building Your Home session.

Produced with Vocal Video