
Rose Basson - Client Inspiration

April 14, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Rose Basson, Copy Coach, Spellworks by Rose

What were you struggling with before you found Lauri?

Rose Basson: When I first met Lauri, I was feeling this really strong call to share my story. It was approaching the anniversary of a really significant event. And I knew that it was time to use my words.

Rose Basson: So I was really struggling to do that and take the first step because every time I heard my voice on a recording, I just bristled head to toe and thought, "Ew, I hate the way that sounds. Why would anyone else listen to me?"

What made you commit?

Rose Basson: I knew I had to do something to take a first step to go through the thing to get to the other side of it. And somewhere in our interactions on social media, Lauri said something like "the way out is through" and that resonated so deeply and her presence in the way that she said it felt like an invitation to do that for myself and also to be held in the space that she emanates.

How did Lauri help you?

Rose Basson: Something about the magical way that she holds space in a situation like that allowed me to remember in safety, a story of when I was a child and I lost my voice. And when I retold it with her feedback after we grounded together and did a breathing exercise and I came back into my body to start again. I was able to talk myself to a new epitaph for that story.

Rose Basson: Lauri was able to in that one session, support me by creating space for and then facilitating my movement through this challenge that was in my way of doing something that I was called to do. And since then in Speakers Studio,

Rose Basson: she creates opportunities and feedback and challenge and a loving held space for me to continue hearing myself speak with that same love and intention and alignment. And an invitation for myself to step into who I am and who I'm meant to be.

What makes Lauri's work unique?

Rose Basson: She has this beautiful open-hearted, open-minded approach to making speaking just a part of being human and creating connection through speech that is aligned and that deals with mind, body, and soul. And other speaking trainings

Rose Basson: where you're expected to create this mold based on the rules and fit yourself into it visually, vocally, even contextually

Rose Basson: just had nothing to do with my soul. And so Lauri's work, which does made me aware that speaking is a part of my calling because it's coming from the soul.

What surprised you the most about working with Lauri?

Rose Basson: Working with Lauri has brought so many beautiful surprises into my world.

Rose Basson: I think that one of the most beautiful things about Lauri's work is that it not only impacts the people she works with directly, it has this instantaneous ripple effect on everyone in that one person's sphere.

Rose Basson: And as I hear my voice develop into this truer version of itself that reflects what's inside me, I have a clearer sense of how to do that for my children, my siblings, my husband, my friends, and my clients. And that has been such an incredible surprise and gift from working with Lauri.

Produced with Vocal Video