
Monica LaBoskey for Customer Spotlights

October 17, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Monica LaBoskey, Deputy Director, Family Violence Appellate Project

Monica LaBoskey: Vocal Video helps us to put a human face on the hard work we do every single day.

How does your organization use testimonial videos?

Monica LaBoskey: Family Violence Appellate Project is a small nonprofit with broad reach. We work in two states statewide and provide resources nationwide for people who work with or who have experienced domestic violence, intimate partner violence, or gender-based violence in the home. Vocal Video helps us to put a human face on the hard work we do every single day to serve the community.

What challenges did you have with creating video testimonials before Vocal Video?

Monica LaBoskey: As a small nonprofit, we don't have a dedicated team that can spend the time, energy, or the money to produce high quality videos so that we can use our faces, our voices, and our passion to speak directly to the community, prospective donors, and anyone else who is interested in or should be aware of the resources that we provide to the community. So prior to having Vocal Video, it was really hard for us to produce these types of videos that could go out onto our social media channels, out through our email, on our website, or to use in other spaces or powerpoint presentations to really talk about the good work that we do. We just didn't have the resources. Vocal Video has really given us the opportunity to put videos like these together with ease and in within our capacity to be able to really get our message out to the community.

Would you recommend others try Vocal Video? Why?

Monica LaBoskey: I recommend that everybody try Vocal Video. It really has so much use well beyond even organizations or companies that are trying to use it for customer outreach or success as a nonprofit. We've had a lot of success in getting our message out through Vocal Video. I can also foresee use for personal endeavors and activities. It has so many opportunities. It's such an easy platform to use. I have really enjoyed getting to know it. I have no technology background or communications background and have been able to produce a number of wonderful videos and teach it very easily to other staff members to use as well. So all in all, I think everyone should try to use this amazing product and to be creative about what that use is.

How would you describe Vocal Video?

Monica LaBoskey: Vocal Video is user friendly. I think that Vocal Video is so easy to use and I am someone without any background in video editing, technology, communications or anything similar. It is just so user friendly. I also believe that the founders and the staff are so absolutely committed to this product and to all of us who use it. I've had amazing interactions uh with the staff and the people who run this organization who have supported me as I have questions and I just feel very much like a very valued consumer or customer of this group. And so I think Vocal Video has been nothing but an absolute pleasure to use and I plan to continue to use it.


Produced with Vocal Video