Speaker: Lori Bainborough, Director of Marketing, RealWork Labs
Lori Bainborough: Hi, I'm Lori Bainborough. I'm the Director of Marketing for RealWork Labs and we've been using Vocal Video now for a few months and we've been using it to collect customer testimonials from our client base. We found that it's a pretty easy tool for them to use and really straightforward, so it's been great being able to collect those testimonials.
Lori Bainborough: The impact that we are already seeing from the testimonials that were able to collect through Vocal Video has been great. We're actually able to specifically ask our clients to answer questions that pop up on the screen so that they can see them and speak to them. We're able to collect data in some cases from some of our clients, and we're really hopeful that these will really help some of our prospective clients truly understand how our current client base uses our software and how they're able to be successful with it.
Lori Bainborough: The way that I would describe Vocal Video to anyone out there looking is an incredibly simple, straightforward, intuitive device to use or tool to use. There's no download needed. You simply just need a webcam on your computer at a quiet place. It's really easy. It walks you through every step of the way, both for the person like myself who actually sets up the requests that you're trying to get from the folks you want a video from, and then the ones who are giving you the video. It's pretty easy and straightforward for them to record and to redo and to stop and start - makes things really easy, which in today's market is something that we all need is something really easy.
Lori Bainborough: I would definitely recommend Vocal Video for other folks, especially some that are just getting started. There's really nothing to lose, really inexpensive tool, and really easy to get your team involved and and add them to your account. Super easy to send out video requests. There's a good threshold. You can embed it in your website, which we do. You can send it off as private messages through email. Just really, really easy, kind of covers the full gamut of anything you're probably looking to capture with regard to video.