
Uma Devi Chakuri for Virtusa Video Testimonials

March 15, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Uma Devi Chakuri, Senior Program Director

Describe your role and responsibilities

Uma Devi Chakuri: Hi, this is Uma Devi I have total of 34+ years of experience and with Virtusa it's now 16+ years.

Share your growth journey, highlighting any significant milestones/challenges you've overcome

Uma Devi Chakuri: From being a Tech lead and now to Segment Delivery Head, it's a great journey crossing many milestones and overcoming the challenges that I faced At each role I had a great learning and enriching experience.

What inspires you the most about Virtusa's culture?

Uma Devi Chakuri: I have seen Virtusa as an open door culture and gives everyone the liberty to reach out to leadership and with no hierarchy, seen everyone treated equally and with respect, no gender bias.

How have you benefited from or contributed to Virtusa's mentoring programs?

Uma Devi Chakuri: I had the opportunity to be part of Gold program where a specialized coach helped me to think, made me understand what I want to achieve and also made me realize the potential that I have.

Could you share an experience that demonstrates how Virtusa fosters a culture of inclusion?

Uma Devi Chakuri: I can say the women leaders in each department are the live examples of how women at Virtusa are given equal importance and opportunity. Virtusa inspires inclusiveness.

Describe your experience as a woman working at Virtusa, and the message you would like to share with colleagues

Uma Devi Chakuri: I would like to say, be yourself, be you. Nothing comes easy. So take the challenge, get out of your comfort zone and put your best foot forward. There is no limit to what we as women can accomplish.

Produced with Vocal Video