
Kanika Abayasinghe for Virtusa Video Testimonials

March 27, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Kanika Abayasinghe, Engineering Manager

Describe your role and responsibilities

Kanika Abayasinghe: Hi, I'm Kanika Abayasinghe I'm working as an Engineering Manager in Colombo ATC. I'm currently working as a DB developer in project. and my responsibility is to taking care of all the DB changes related to that project in company point of view. I'm responsible for achieving company goals.

Share your growth journey, highlighting any significant milestones/challenges you've overcome

Kanika Abayasinghe: So, I'm working here is more than 10 years So, during that time period, I got many opportunities to improve my technical and management skills. And I'm able to get different projects to work. And it helped me to improve my all the skills.

What inspires you the most about Virtusa's culture?

Kanika Abayasinghe: So, when talk about the Virtusa culture. It's having a flexible hours to work and they are getting more of encouragement from senior management to improve our skills. And there are a lot of many platforms to upscale our technologies and different parts like tracks, DB tracks, and management tracks. There are a lot of various opportunities available in Virtusa culture.

How have you benefited from or contributed to Virtusa's mentoring programs?

Kanika Abayasinghe: About mentoring program, currently I'm working as a mentor for 10 mentees and I'm helping them to improve their skills. s And other than that, for my mentor, I'm getting a lot of opportunities and guidance and support to upscale my tech skills and other skills. This mentoring program is very helpful for everyone to improve their skills.

Could you share an experience that demonstrates how Virtusa fosters a culture of inclusion?

Kanika Abayasinghe: Yes, there's no limitations and there are a lot of opportunities for women to join our Virtusa and senior management. And the leadership always encourage women to improve their skills in Virtusa.

Describe your experience as a woman working at Virtusa, and the message you would like to share with colleagues

Kanika Abayasinghe: As a woman working in Virtusa, it's a very amazing working environment for me to work in professionally and with the balanced life. So, I would like to message everyone come and join with Virtusa family and improve your skills and carry your life.

Produced with Vocal Video