
Debbie Miller for VaxCare Partner Testimonial

May 02, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Debbie Miller, Public Health Director, Lawrence County Health Department

What changes have you noticed in your practice since joining VaxCare?

Debbie Miller: Everyone from our clinical staff to our financial staff is thrilled with our partnership with VaxCare. The process is so easy, less paperwork, no more worrying about inventory. No more billing and rebilling. And we still get the administration fee. There's more time for us to do what we were meant to do, which is care for our patients.

How does VaxCare make you more confident as a manager, physician, or owner?

Debbie Miller: Our nurses are happy our billers are happy, our bottom line is happy and that makes me happy.

Why would you recommend practices abandon the old way of buying/managing/billing for vaccines?

Debbie Miller: The old way was cumbersome and inefficient. It affected our cash flow. Staff time was spent counting inventory, worrying about expiring vaccines, shipping vaccines back. VaxCare relieved all those worries. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it is true, and I promise you won't be sorry. It's one of the best decisions I've made as a health department director.

Produced with Vocal Video