
Custom Stable Contact Lens

August 05, 2024

Video Transcript

What specific vision challenges or discomfort were you experiencing before trying the Custom Stable lenses?

I, I have worn custom stable lenses since 2014. They've been comfortable. They've given me much better vision than I could hope for with glasses and they've put an end to my eyes getting inflamed and irritated to the point where steroid eye drops were a regular part of my life. So I feel they've not only saved my vision but they've helped my eye health considerably.

How have our lenses improved your daily activities or quality of life since you started wearing them?

I suffer damage from refractive surgery and Custom Stable lenses from Valley Contax have really given me my life back. I cannot obtain decent vision with glasses or regular contacts. And they've not only improved my vision but the health of my eyes. So in addition to the corneal damage from refractive surgery, I was later found to have Sjögren's syndrome. So very dry eyes and I think that these lenses have improved my eye health and made good vision possible.

Produced with Vocal Video