
STIM outputs

November 02, 2022

Video Transcript

our research group investigated the outputs of STIM consortium and what have companies achieved by participating in STIM. Our study is based on four years of observations, direct participation interviews, field visits and publications. We have investigated have continuous engagement and STIM produces outputs at two levels, the micro level which relates to individual managers participating, and the macro level which relates to the output of the business unit, companies level. Micro level outputs were consisting of problem solving skills, network and trust building, peer to peer learning, establishing academic and our industrial collaborations, high quality discussions, knowledge acquisition, and knowledge sharing. Athe macro level outputs we found are innovation performance and new process development as key outputs. Another output area was personalized tool boxes for these companies such as the use of red mapping for technology planning, the use of scoring tool methodology to assess the value of technology and portfolio settings, another macro output was different practices related to knowledge transfer through workshops, publications and building an understanding of industry problems. Analyzing these outputs, we also studied the novelties of the STIM consortium to know what certain features led to these outcomes and how it can be a value for existing and future prospective companies that will take part in STIM. The next step for us is to publish the outputs of our research in high quality peer reviewed journals and to continue understanding what are other opportunities and improving scope of output for a stream for STIM participating companies

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