
LaQuana Davidson for The Educators' Group Benefits Company

June 05, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: LaQuana Davidson, Chicago Public Schools

Introduce yourself. (State your name and the School District you work for)

LaQuana Davidson: Hi, my name is Laquana Davidson and I work for the Chicago public school district.

How did United Schools Associates help you?

LaQuana Davidson: United Schools Associates helped me get financial um compensation for my critical illness as well as answering every question that I needed to be answered. Um They replied, uh replied back if they was too busy to answer the call in a timely fashion sent emails. They were very, very supportive.

Would you recommend United Schools Associates to other educators?

LaQuana Davidson: I would definitely recommend United Schools Associates um to other educators or, and as well as any other staff in educational settings. This is a very, very good uh insurance company and um it, it, it's worth having.

Produced with Vocal Video