
Kylie Ochsenbein for Turning Stones - Video Testimonials

October 03, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Kylie Ochsenbein, COO, Carers ACT

What was the position/role that Jo supported you with?

Kylie Ochsenbein: Um Joe um supported me to win the um chief operating officer for Carers ac T role. Um It was a role I was interested in right from the beginning. And um she um was incredibly supportive um in my um a application process and interview process.

What three words would you use to describe your experience working with with Jo?

Kylie Ochsenbein: Joe working with Jo is just a joy. Um as a candidate, she is encouraging and supportive. Um She's lots of fun. Um She's reassuring uh and just someone who feels like a friend in. Um what can be a scary space when you're looking for a job.

What makes Jo and Turning Stones different from other agencies / search firms you have used?

Kylie Ochsenbein: Working with Jo and Turning Stones is different because, uh, it feels personal, um, it feels personal for her. Um, and I feel like someone who's important, uh to her and her organization, um, just that feeling of being valued, um, and a real understanding of what's beyond the resume. Um, who am I as a person? What can I offer to an organization? Um, I don't feel like just a number.

Would you recommend Turning Stones to others and why?

Kylie Ochsenbein: I'd recommend turning stones to any candidate looking for an executive role. Um There's that sense that you're dealing with someone who really understands the market, but also has a fantastic, um, list of contacts and people who rely on her, um, as an organization, um who might use jo um I've seen her in action with her clients and um, she's a trusted partner for those clients. She's somebody who becomes part of their team um, until the job is done and probably beyond that. Uh So I just can't recommend them highly enough.

Produced with Vocal Video