
Student Testimonials for the Oxford Essay Course

April 03, 2024

Matthew and Jessica share their highlights from the Oxford Essay Course.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jessica

What made the Oxford Essay Course stand out from other options?

Matthew: Oh, I guess the main thing was I had been trying to just find a way to enhance my writing skills because I didn't have a whole lot of options open to me as a freshman. But this, this essay course was like college level and really challenging and I like that. So that, that's kind of the main reason I picked it.

Jessica: The essay course really stood out from other courses because it provided an in depth discussion and individual feedback for high school students, which I hadn't really heard of before. And it really helped me hone in on my skills as a writer.

If there is one word you could use one to describe your experience with Trinity House, what would it be and why?

Jessica: I would say eye opening because Professor McGeary really broke down the mechanics of essay writing. And he also really helped me to develop a deeper love for academics.

Matthew: One word. Hm. I've had to pick one probably edifying. See, I, what I really liked about it is that the essays that we wrote about weren't afraid to shy away from tough topics and we were able to argue about things instead of having to just go over things agreed upon by everyone. So that was one of that was one of the biggest standout things for me about this course.

Who is this class perfect for? Would you describe that person?

Matthew: I would say that the class is best for people who want to change their opinions about things and argue about stuff and just be willing to come to a better understanding of things even when they don't like their conclusions. Um, I, So I guess just the person who's willing to change their mind and also put in a lot of work and do their best--open mindedness is the biggest thing.

Jessica: This class is perfect for really anyone that's interested in learning and is willing to apply themselves to hard work and think for themselves. So I think it could be anyone from a student aspired to go to Oxford or an Ivy League school to just a student wanting to get better grades in high school.

Is there anything else you would like to say about the course or Professor McGeary's teaching (to someone considering taking the course)?

Matthew: Be warned you're gonna work, you're gonna put in a lot of work, which is a good thing. It's really good, uh, good work that you, you'll learn a lot but it is not for the faint of heart.

Jessica: The Oxford essay course itself was just so fun. Like, it was my favorite course. I've, everything I've taken this year and as a bit of an introvert, Professor McGeary completely put me at ease and he was so kind and answered all of my questions and he was just a very kind tutor and made the class really fun and exciting.

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