
Ryan Singh for TradeDay Video Testimonial

November 22, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Ryan

Why did you choose TradeDay over other funded trading challenges?

Ryan: Hey guys, my name is Ryan. And the first question I got asked is why did I choose TradeDay over many other funded challenges? Well, just to give you some background, I'm a professional trader. I've been doing this for over seven years now. I've used Apex. I've used TopStep. I've used a lot of other trading programs and one big benefit is your evaluation is done after 10 days. So literally after 10 days, you can go right into trading and you could withdraw your profits that same exact day. It's amazing. It's mind blowing. It's unbelievable. And I think the evaluation itself is very fair.

How has TradeDay helped you in your journey to becoming funded with them?

Ryan: So TradeDay has helped me in the way of getting funded in many ways. One, it has a very good discipline type of approach. So basically, you know, they review your trades and everything, but it's disciplined in such a way that you can kind of space out yourself and you know, exactly how to pace yourself when trading, you know, you know, not to over trade, you know, not to keep it consistent. It really helps you hone in on your skills and be more alert as to what you're trading when you're trading and how you're trading. So I think it's a great approach to even when you get funded.

As a funded Tradeday trader, could you describe your experience with the TradeDay team?

Ryan: So my experience with the TradeDay team has been phenomenal. I mean, they're extremely responsive, especially if you need support or anything. And even when you're supposed to get your account set up, I mean, they do respond within 24 hours, even if it's the weekend, they do an amazing job to help you get set up right away. So I think, you know, the TradeDay team definitely impressive, their withdraws their splits. Everything is amazing about it. So don't, you know, don't hinder on it. Go to TradeDay.

Produced with Vocal Video