
TradeDay Video Testimonial

February 14, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Michael A Bertram

Why did you choose TradeDay over other funded trading challenges?

The reason I chose TradeDay over other funding companies is pretty simple. Other companies have so many rules that it's like they want you to lose, they make their money off of people buying, challenges and then paying lots of resets and monthly fees even after you're funded. You don't see none of that here at TradeDay. It's all pretty cut and dry. The rules are all explained and I just think it's the best program going. I have been with a lot of other prop firms and none of them can compare to TradeDay. That's all there is to it.

How has TradeDay helped you in your journey to becoming funded with them?

The question is how has Trade Day helped you in your journey to become a funded with them? One of the big things that helps a trader is to have real world situations where in the real world, you don't have a stop loss that's chasing you up all the time. As your profit goes up, the, the daily loss limit chases you, you don't have that with TradeDay. You could, I i it it's called the end of day, what TradeDay has at the end of the day, whatever you've made or lost it is your new balance. This helps immensely and I call it real world trading because in the real world, you don't have any time to stop chasing you. You don't have to take profit at the top of every trade. The other firms honestly just disgust me. I can't be happier with trade. I can't be more happy than I am with TradeDay. I just, like I said before, I think they're the best. They're the closest thing you're gonna get to having a real trading account. There's just no doubt about it.

As a funded Tradeday trader, could you describe your experience with the TradeDay team?

The experience that I've had with trade day all the way through uh from evaluation on has been nothing but excellent. There people are the most professional, the company is professional. You look at the fact that in order to start a new evaluation after failing a funded account, you have to get permission to start another evaluation and they do this to try and weed out the gamblers, the people that will go all in on one trade trying to hit it big and this, this is what the other prop firms uh feed upon. It's what keeps them in business as gamblers. They have ridiculous sales. and, and just keep churning and burning as, as what they called it in sales. You look at their discord, all you have to do is join their Discord and you can see the professionalism and the people running the discord. You have basically the owners of the company in the discord. It, I just can't speak highly enough about the professionalism of this particular prop. And I think everybody that's interested in joining any prop firm and the most important part joining a prop firm and wanting to build an account rather than just trying to, make a few bucks here and there and then blow the account. So join Trade Day. you won't be as happy anywhere else.

Produced with Vocal Video