
TMS Institute of Arizona Video Testimonials

April 14, 2023

Express TMS Patient Testimonial

Video Transcript

Speaker: Bari

What, if any, hesitation did you have prior to initiating TMS therapy?

I'd have to say that I did not have any hesitation whatsoever about trying this because I've tried everything else and the thought that there was something out there that might work and that wasn't necessarily western medicine that there was help. I was all on board. I have been thrilled since we decided to do this and I have stayed that way a whole week.

What advice would you give to someone considering this form of treatment?

I would suggest to anybody that's having any sort of mood issues or just life problems to explore every avenue available to them and research, do the research, find out for yourself, what the basis of the technology is and see if it makes sense to them because we are all different and different things work for different people. But this made so much sense to me. I had tried everything else and just had no results and last year lost nine months to depression. So you bet I'm gonna try something else and I feel like this is what's gonna work for me and I'm very excited about it.

Describe how TMS therapy has impacted your life.

So my story is a little bit different probably because I was not depressed. When I came in the beginning of this week, I was not in my funk that happens all the time and is so debilitating. And I was really glad I wasn't because it would have been very hard to go through this treatment feeling that way. So I've been very up, it's been positive, I've loved it. But the one thing that I'm very excited about is that I will go home with a maintenance TES (transcranial Electrical Stimulation) unit. It's an apparatus that will fit on my head and I can use it like 30 minutes a week just to maintain a good, steady, good mood, happy person kind of being that I am naturally. And then if things start to head south or get a little funky, then I can use this unit more often or once a day to try and keep a good, steady feeling. And I also like it that I am not being just cut loose that these guys have got my back and they're gonna be in touch with me and follow me and I'm gonna know that I'm in good hands.

Produced with Vocal Video