How would you describe Joe's Continuing Education Classes in three words?
If I had to describe Joe's classes in three words, uh I would use inspiring um free as in like free exchange of ideas and creative Joe's teaching style is um joyful and accepting. Um And he, he's really good at encouraging a person to just be their authentic self and to do what they do the best way they know how. Um And uh yeah, ways my, my practice has been influenced by Joe taking Joe's classes is, I mean, I could, I could go on and on about that. But um he really, he really helped me find my confidence and um my clients definitely benefit from techniques that I've learned. And then, you know, just like that inner confidence I built uh with Joe's help. And also, I mean, from a practical sense, like he gave me a lot of really good advice, you know, steered me away from some common pitfalls uh that people fall into and opening a business. And um yeah, all of his II, I really do and, you know, a foundational way credit Joe with saving my career. I don't think I would still be doing it if I hadn't have taken his classes. So, thanks Joe.