
John Carlson for The Voiceover Gurus Video Testimonials

December 04, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: John Carlson

Could you describe a time that The Voiceover Gurus helped you?

John Carlson: The Gurus always made you feel like you were comfortable or tried to get you comfortable. They would correct you when you needed to be corrected. But always made you feel like you could do it and, and got you on the path that you needed to go, especially during the workouts. There's a lot of pressure. You feel everybody watching you and, and they put you at ease or at least try to put you as, as much ease as, as possible. But that's what you need, you need to feel that pressure and, and get over it and, and do what you need to do.

How would you describe The Voiceover Gurus in three words?

John Carlson: I would describe the, the Gurus as professional, welcoming and honest.

How are The Voiceover Gurus different from other coaching services?

John Carlson: I've actually never used any other coaching services, but, I've heard horror stories about people who have found coaches that promised the world promised a demo in a week or whatever. And I feel I was very fortunate to find Linda and, and the Gurus because they led me on the, the correct path with real goals and, and, and a real way of getting there without just promising, you know, the world.

Produced with Vocal Video