
Lars-Bo for The Tribal Vibe Video Testimonials

May 30, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Lars-Bo

Why did you choose to attend?

Lars-Bo: So question one, why did I attend last year's festival? Uh I met some of the people behind the festival and was quite inspired by the thoughts and the thinking of the festival. And um and then I saw the program and I saw a big opportunity of learning a lot uh connecting with a lot of people and to expand myself in the way I am here in the world and the all that it gave to me.

What was one of the most impactful takeaways for you?

Lars-Bo: So what was the most impactful takeaway for me from the festival? Well, that's a hard one because there was a lot. Um I think one of the most powerful takeaways for me was that I had a really, really powerful con feeling of connection with my authentic self, but also the connection with a lot of other people and their authentic selves. It was a fantastic environment where I connected with so many lovely people and learned a lot by being hold and holding them. So that was really, really powerful. And then of course, all the playfulness, the dancing and having fun. I loved it.

What makes this event different from others you’ve attended in the past?

Lars-Bo: So what makes the tribal life festival different from other things I have tended to? Um I think one of the things is that there is a very, very strong self healing environment, not only for yourself, but in your connection with all the other people, it's really, really powerful. Um Maybe because you are saying good morning saying good night, 678 days in a row. So you get a really, really, really strong community, a very safe community uh that just gave a lot of room for connecting and being playful and exploring, develop yourself. That must be it.

How is it for a newcomer to attend?

Lars-Bo: So how is it for a newcomer to attend the travel live Summer festival? Last year, I was a newcomer and it's a really, really safe and nice place to be a newcomer in, first of all, is organized in a way where everybody is connecting very fast and everybody is learning things and getting into the vibe in a way that it's really, really easy to connect and people are open for connecting. You're organized groups where you get a really fast safe environment and you just, it's natural just to give and to hold others in that environment. So it's really easy place to come for a newcomer. People are open minded and helpful and loving. So don't fear just go.

Produced with Vocal Video