
Anita Dalton for The APOS shoe Video Testimonials

March 25, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Anita Dalton

What was the main reason you decided to try the APOS shoe?

Anita Dalton: The main reason to try the APOS shoes was, over a year ago, I was in such pain, particularly with my left knee. The, it was the X - Ray showed it was extremely severe. So, in fact, I did have to have a knee replacement on that left knee. But the right, knee only has, moderate osteoarthritis in it. So I'm really hoping that these shoes will avoid me having to have more surgery.

Did the APOS Shoe work for you in terms of improving your pain and mobility?

Anita Dalton: Oh, yes. The the shoes have definitely worked. As far as pain, goes obviously my left leg, which had the, knee replacement it doesn't really hurt at all when I walk, the right leg. which has the moderate osteoarthritis does hurt sometimes, but when I put the shoes on, I've been walking, up and down. I've got a long road here to to a golf club, and I walk up and down there, and, at times I can almost skip and jog, so definitely, helps enormously. And I have real confidence that if I stick with the shoes, and do the walking daily with them that I will be able to save my right knee from having to undergo an excruciating, replacement.

Would you recommend the APOS Shoe to others?

Anita Dalton: Yes, I have already. recommended the APOS shoes to other people. When I go to the gym locally and I've just done a class there, it was the first time I've been able to go back to a movement class because I was able to get through it. But there were some ladies there rubbing their knees and saying, Oh, gosh, it does hurt. So I have told them about the APOS shoes. So, hopefully they will inquire a bit further.

Produced with Vocal Video