
Suzannah Bushill for The APOS shoe Video Testimonials

April 03, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Suzannah Bushill

What was the main reason you decided to try the APOS shoe?

Suzannah Bushill: Hi. I've been on the APOS shoe programme for a year now. I've got osteoarthritis in my left knee, which, became extremely bad in about exactly a year ago. To the extent that I was on crutches, I was taking a large amount of painkillers, and I was put on a list for a total knee replacement. I tried the APOS shoes , really in desperation, as I really couldn't cope with the pain or the impact on my life anymore. And, at first, I stuck to the programme. I did everything they said, and at first, the progress was slow. And then I realised, after a few months that, I was walking with hugely reduced pain. I was still limping. The progression has continued. Now I would say that I do limp sometimes I do still sometimes have pain, but I take no painkillers. I have come off the knee replacement list. And I was actually offered a knee replacement. They it came through the date, and I turned it down. And, I'm continuing to use them. It's got to the extent I sometimes forget to use them, because I forget that I have a problem. Which is amazing. I can honestly say I think it's made a huge impact for me. I am delighted I found them. It makes sense to me how they work. You do have to stick to the programme, but it's not difficult. And it's very much part of your day. And compared to where I was a year ago or even 18 months ago, I have definitely got my life back. And I can live a normal, normal life in this year. We have travelled fairly long distances. Had various holidays. I have been able to move around the house and go on holiday and go for walks and work without having to worry about my knee, which was beginning to take over

Produced with Vocal Video