
Talking about Mental Health with Pri

May 06, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Pri , Director Halcyon Care (Dorset) Ltd

Which activities or hobbies have had a positive impact on your mental health?

Pri : I have been cycling, swimming, running, just being outdoor outdoors with nature.

Pri : So I've been quite blessed where I live, and it's helped a lot in in just getting me to just get out of my head and out with the world and appreciating everything around me.

Are there any books, podcasts, or resources related to mental health that you've found valuable or insightful?

Pri : It's actually a book called I May Be Wrong and it's by, Bjorn Natthiko Lindeblad. So basically, it's about a, corporate person that left the corporate world and became a forest monk. And I'm just gonna read a little quote. from the book, that is a constant reminder. I've actually bookmark this page because I found it quite, quite helpful and quite grounding. "So your compassion for others will always fall short and remain fragile, so long as you're unable to extend it to yourself first, In order to grow in our love, we need to be able to direct our tenderness inwards." So basically, we can't look after anybody else unless we've taken care of ourselves first.

Is there a particular person or support network that has played a significant role in supporting your mental health?

Pri : I have met and come across various different people that are, I call them my bunch of five who have been so supportive and helpful through my journey of life. They are people that I find I can be my most authentic self with. They know me inside out. I can be as raw as I can and, you know, as open as I can. And I know I'll always get honest feedback. They are my go to people. And I think that's helped me together through thick and thin throughout the

What would you say to other people who are experiencing poor mental health?

Pri : Speak to at least one person that you trust and, you feel safe with that would be my my recommendation or my suggestion.

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