
Matt Tomes for Mental Health Awareness Week

August 03, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Matt Tomes, Co-Founder The Mental Health People

Which activities or hobbies have had a positive impact on your mental health?

Matt Tomes: I think for me. One of the main things is getting out, walking, getting out in nature, taking taking the dogs for a walk. but also I love music and if I can combine the two then. Yeah, it's happy days

Are there any books, podcasts, or resources related to mental health that you've found valuable or insightful?

Matt Tomes: The most valuable resource was actually going on the mental health first aid course. It really did help me gain a better understanding about poor mental health and really help dispel a lot of the myths that are out there in society around poor mental health.

Is there a particular person or support network that has played a significant role in supporting your mental health?

Matt Tomes: I guess to start with, I would have to say my wife, she's definitely been played a significant role in helping to support my mental health. Especially over the past couple of years. You know, I've had kind of bereavement's and various other things that have that have happened, and she really has been been there for me. I hate to use the cliche, but she has really been a rock for me. And then, of course, my friends and my family again, the people that I know that I can really turn to it when times are bad. And then recently, probably I would also say my therapist, There's nothing quite like being able to talk your problems through with somebody that's just kind of there to to to really listen and not be judgmental about anything that you say to them.

What would you say to other people who are experiencing poor mental health?

Matt Tomes: I would say to talk to somebody, whether that's, a close friend. Family member, you trust, your GP. There's a number of great charities out there, or if you're able to access it, a therapist I'm like, for me, it's it. It really has helped with my mental health, and I think it's just so important to be able to talk to somebody and it really does kind of lift the weight off your shoulders.

Produced with Vocal Video