
Emma Woolhouse for Mental Health Awareness Week

May 06, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Emma Woolhouse, Director , EJW Accountants

Which activities or hobbies have had a positive impact on your mental health?

Emma Woolhouse: So for me, it's being outside, going for a walk, going for a run, But just generally getting outside is the absolute best for my mental health.

Are there any books, podcasts, or resources related to mental health that you've found valuable or insightful?

Emma Woolhouse: So for anyone that, knows me well or has spoken to me about mental health in any way before, will know the answer to this question. And that is a podcast called Feel Better Live More by Doctor Chatterjee. I listen most weeks, and it contains so much useful advice. Practical, small changes you can make in your life. and it really just opens your eyes to sort of the latest trends on on well being, and it's so interesting.

Is there a particular person or support network that has played a significant role in supporting your mental health?

Emma Woolhouse: So this one, I think, is a really crucial one. and that's friends and support network. I have two friends. they will know exactly who they are. that form a really, really close support network. They're the friends that I can share my darkest times with that know, absolutely everything that's inside my head. They are there for me any time I need them, and I am there for them. And I think having that really close those really close friends, that know everything is just so helpful.

What would you say to other people who are experiencing poor mental health?

Emma Woolhouse: This is a difficult one because I'm a natural fixer problem solver. I like to make things better. I use a lot of the information I read in well-being books or from podcasts to kind of help guide people towards things that they can. They can help themselves. but I do try to work on learning when to just listen and be quiet, because sometimes, you know, people aren't ready, to pull themselves out of the mud. They just want you to sit with them for a bit.

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